Bible Insights

Sometimes Simple Isn’t Better

The word “simple” is found 14 times in Proverbs and only six other times in the entire Bible. The dictionary defines a simple person as a “simpleton” or a “fool.” However, the way “simple” is used in Proverbs seems to go beyond merely being a fool or a simpleton (that is, lacking common sense), but […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Be a Sluggard, Be Prudent

In contrast to the sluggard, is the prudent person. The word “prudent” also predominates the book of Proverbs with 10 appearances, contrasted to only two in the rest of the Bible. “Prudent” means “wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense; careful in regard to one’s own interests or conduct.” It seems […]

Bible Insights

There’s More to Discover in the Bible

Check out these books of the Bible, which are not found in all versions, but are in others, such as The Jerusalem Bible: Tobit Tobit is a story of Tobiah who journeys with Raphael to retrieve some money for his father (Tobit). Along the way he is attacked by a fish and gets married; when […]

Bible Insights

God as our Friend

In the next word picture for God, we can consider God as our friend. As our relationship with God grows and progresses, there is an opportunity for us to become friends, perhaps analogous to a parent and their adult child. As friends, we (that is, God and us) spend time together, communicate with each other, […]

Bible Insights

Omni God

3 Attributes of God There are three words that are commonly used to describe God; they all begin with “omni.” Omnipresent Present everywhere simultaneously Omnipotent Unlimited power or authority Omniscient Total knowledge; knowing everything The prefix “omni” means all, so the three “omni” words that reveal God’s character and nature, succinctly tell us that God […]

Peter DeHaan News

News: New content on ABibleADay.com

More information is added to the ABibleADay.com website each week. In addition to more terms, summaries for many books of the Bible have been added, including all of Paul’s epistles. Overviews are now available for: The remaining books of the New Testament will be added within the next week or so.