Christian Living

We Must Rethink Sunday School

Reform Sunday School as an Education Service to Your Community It may be strange to see Sunday school on this list of things we must change for our churches, but we should carefully reexamine it. Do you know the original mission of this Sunday program? It was to teach poor children how to read. And […]

Christian Living

Beware of Christian Echo Chambers

The Dangers of Surrounding Ourselves with People Just Like Us It’s understandable that we want to spend time with others who are like us, with folks who all think, act, and believe the same. Yet when followers of Jesus do this it’s too easy to fall into a Christian echo chamber. A Christian echo chamber […]

Christian Living

How to Find a Mentor

Mentoring Can Help Us Grow in Our Faith and Increase Our Impact People sometimes ask me to mentor them. I’m honored that they ask. I want to say yes. Instead, I decline as respectfully as I can. Why? It’s because God hasn’t called me to be a mentor—at least not in the traditional sense. He’s […]

Christian Living

When Will You Retire?

God Created Us to Work, So Don’t Stop I’ve worked from home since 2000. That’s a long time, and I doubt I could ever return to a more typical workplace environment. Through most of this time, neighbors would ask if I had retired. (How old did they think I was, anyway?) I’d smile and tell […]

Christian Living

How to Deal with Poverty

We Should Continue to Remember the Poor The Bible talks about the poor and teaches how to deal with poverty. Poverty shows up 21 times in the Bible, most in the practical advice-giving book of Proverbs. The word poor appears much more often at 176 times. Combined, these passages give us much insight in how […]

Christian Living

Don’t Be a DINK

Marriage Is for Children Not for Self DINK stands for Dual Income, No Kids. The concept has gained traction in recent years. But it’s not an enlightened perspective. Instead, being a DINK is an idea we should avoid. The Result of Circumstances Some couples are childless due to their circumstances. They can’t have biological children, […]

Christian Living

Go Two by Two

God Made Us to Be in Community Does the phrase “two by two” conjure up images of God sending the animals to Noah to enter the ark two by two (Genesis 7:8-9)? This need for pairs of animals is so they can repopulate their species after the flood. A single animal accomplishes nothing. Be Fruitful […]

Bible Study

1 John Bible Study, Day 5: Confess Our Sins

Today’s passage: 1 John 1:8–10 Focus verse: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) As a young teen, I had a Sunday school teacher who claimed he sometimes would go an entire day without sinning. Granted, he didn’t claim […]

Monthly Bible Reading Plans

Consider These Monthly Bible Reading Plans If you want to read the Bible in smaller bites and not make an annual commitment, try our monthly Bible reading plans: If you read all twelve months you will cover many of the key books of the Bible in one year.

Christian Living

What Happened to Integrity?

May Our Life Honor God and Be an Example to Others Integrity is largely missing in our world today. It looms as an out-of-date concept. Many even mock it as restrictive, limiting our desire to act however we want. Integrity is an unwavering adherence to moral principles and ethical behavior. It’s being honest. It’s sound […]