Peter DeHaan News

Victorious Christian Conference Update

Fresh Perspective of the Bible and God

Earlier this month I took part in the Victorious Christian Conference, hosted by Emily Louis. My session was a “Fresh Perspective of the Bible and God.” We covered that and a lot more.

Though I don’t like seeing myself on video or listening to a recording of my voice, I did enjoy my interaction with Emily and our faith discussion.

I pray you’ll get something useful from our words. Here’s the video of the session.

Here are some of the other speakers at the conference:

  • R. Christian Bohlen: “Letting the Life of Jesus Shape Our Lives”
  • Mimika Cooney: “Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things for God”
  • Entrice Rowe: “Relational Prayer”
  • Wendy Snyder: “Relating to God as our Father”
  • Rick Torrison: “Created for More/Our Identity in Christ”
  • Daniel Lancaster: “Shame Is a Liar”
  • Kim Vollendorf: “Who God Says We Are”

If you want to hear their sessions at the Conference, it’s not too late. A backstage pass is available.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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