Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Now on Substack

Prolific Author Expands Access

Author Peter DeHaan announced he is now on Substack. Substack is an online resource that “lets independent writers and podcasters publish directly to their audience.”

Author Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity

“My website will remain the hub of my online presence,” DeHaan said, “and Substack will both extend and support that effort.” Though Peter has a presence on many social media sites, they are primarily to point to his website, This will remain unchanged.

Substack, however, is much more than a social media platform, which is why Peter decided to use it, while he has passed on having a presence on other online destinations.

Presently his weekly newsletter is available on Substack, which supporters can read online, through an RSS feed, or via email. It is available through a free subscription.

This will not replace Peter’s existing newsletter, but work in conjunction with it.

There is also an option to support Peter’s work by being a paid subscriber. He views his writing as a ministry, and over the years, some people have wanted to financially support his outreach, even though it is not a nonprofit and monies given are not tax deductible.

The optional support opportunity is $5 a month or $50 a year. These funds will help him continue to write and publish more books. “I don’t expect people to become paid subscribers,” Peter added, “but it will be a pleasant bonus for those who feel led to do so.

Many people use Substack and appreciate its ease of use, along with the lack of advertising in a more civil and safe online destination.

“I am so excited about Substack and the potential it offers to effectively connect with more people.” Peter said.

Find Peter at to access his weekly newsletter for free.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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