Peter DeHaan News

News Release: Peter DeHaan To Speak At The 2013 Breathe Writers Conference

Magazine Publisher and Editor Seeks to Give Back to Writing Community

Mattawan, Michigan, Aug 29, 2013—Author Peter DeHaan will speak at the 2013 Breathe Christian Writers Conference taking place October 18 and 19 in Dutton, Michigan.

“This will be the fourth time I’ve had the privilege to attend the Breathe Christian Writers Conference, and this year I’m looking forward to leading two workshops,” said wordsmith Peter DeHaan.

“The Breathe Christian Writers Conference is my ‘can’t miss’ event each year and a reoccurring highlight of my journey as a writer.”

Peter’s first workshop is “Jumpstarting Your Writing Career,” designed for new writers, those considering a writing career, and those who want to breathe new life into their work.

Peter started writing four decades ago, published his first article in 1983, and has been a magazine publisher and editor since 2001. Despite this long history of writing, it’s only been recently that he started calling himself a writer.

“Recalibrating my self-perception was a huge development,” said Peter. “My goal is to help every attendee make the same transition.”

Peter’s second presentation “Ten Tips to Improve Your Writing” applies to all writers at any level. “No matter where we are in our career, we can always improve as a writer—and I expect to learn more than anyone else!” DeHaan added.

The keynote for this year’s two-day conference is award-winning author Latayne C. Scott, the author of over a dozen books. Her highly anticipated sessions are “The Rule of Three” and “How to Model Reality.”

In addition to Latayne’s two keynote addresses, the conference offers other general sessions, an array of workshops, plenty of networking opportunities, and time for informal social interaction.

Learn more about the Breathe Christian Writers Conference and author Peter DeHaan.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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