Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Wins Halo Magazine Writing Contest

Author Shares His Story and Spiritual Journey in Christian Publication

Mattawan, Michigan, January 15, 2014—Peter DeHaan is the first place winner of Halo Magazine’s first annual writing contest. DeHaan’s winning submission, “How I Found Jesus,” appeared in a recent issue.

“I’m honored to have won first place in Halo Magazine’s annual writing contest,” said author Peter DeHaan. “I felt I submitted a solid piece, but I was concerned it might be too unconventional, as my journey isn’t the typical conversion story.

Thankfully the editors saw merit in it and awarded me first place!”

Also in the issue is another of Peter’s articles, “Do Rituals Have a Place in Our Spiritual Growth?” “Having a second piece in this issue is an added bonus,” enthused DeHaan.

“I knew it was accepted for publication, but didn’t know when they would use it. It was a complete surprise when I stumbled upon it in this issue.”

Peter DeHaan is no stranger to readers of Halo Magazine. His prior work includes a tribute poem, “An Ode to Peanut” in the January 2013 issue and a memoir piece “Serving God in My Community” in the October 2012 issue.

Marian Newman Braxton, the editor-in-chief of Halo magazine, notified Peter of his winning submission. She said, “We truly enjoyed reading your article.” Delbert Teachout, the managing editor, implemented the contest and evaluated the submissions.

Last year, Peter DeHaan entered another contest and was selected as a finalist with his poem, “Why I Write,” for the literary publication Imagine This! An ArtPrize Anthology.

The book was released September 2013.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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