Peter DeHaan News

DeHaan to Speak at the 2014 Breathe Writers Conference

Seasoned Magazine Publisher and Editor to Hold Two Workshops for Writers

Author Peter DeHaan will speak at the 2014 Breathe Christian Writers Conference taking place October 10 and 11 in Grand Rapids Michigan. This year the event moves to a new location, the campus of Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

“I’ve attended the Breathe Christian Writers Conference for the past five years and again have the opportunity to lead two workshops,” said magazine publisher Peter DeHaan. “I tell everyone The Breathe Christian Writers Conference is my ‘can’t miss’ writing event each year.”

Author Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity

Your Career as a Writer

Peter’s first workshop is “Ten Steps to Start (or Restart) Your Writing Career,” designed for new writers, those considering a writing career, and those who want to breathe new life into their work.

It is an update of last year’s popular presentation, with new content and more information. “This is a great session for those who need a little encouragement to get started or a gentle nudge to get restarted,” stated Peter.

Using WordPress

Peter’s second presentation “Getting Started with WordPress for Your Author Blog or Website,” applies to all writers at any level. “Every writer who wants to share his or her work and connect with readers must have a website; social media is not enough,” said DeHaan.

“Using WordPress for your blog or website is easy, but a few pointers will save time and avoid wasted effort.”

After attending Peter’s WordPress session, attendees will have the basic knowledge needed to start using WordPress or to improve what they already have. Peter also talked about this topic at the recent Grand Rapids WordCamp in August.

Peter DeHaan has been a magazine publisher and editor since 2001, but started writing four decades ago. He published his first article in 1983. Peter brings to Breathe the perspective of a seasoned writer, publisher, and editor.

The keynote speaker for this year’s two-day conference is New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julie Cantrell. Julie will give two keynote addresses: “This One Life: Dare to defy the odds” and “Sink or Swim: Lessons learned from a head-first dive into publishing.”

In addition to Julie’s keynote addresses, the conference offers other general sessions, an array of workshops, plenty of networking opportunities, and time for informal social interaction.

Learn more about writing and publishing in Peter’s book: Successful Author FAQs: Discover the Art of Writing, the Business of Publishing, and the Joy of Wielding Words. Get your copy today.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.