Integrates Author’s Main Blog and Website in One Place
Mattawan, Michigan, March 12, 2014—Peter DeHaan announced the completion of the overall of his website The site, which shares his writing and career, features three exciting developments:
The new site is powered by WordPress, the world’s leading blogging and website platform. “This effort actually began a year and a half ago, almost as soon as the last website overhaul was finished,” said Peter.
“Although WordPress was recommended at that time, I selected a different direction. That site looked great but updating it was problematic from the start. Now with WordPress, making changes and adding new content is quick and easy.”
The second change is that for the first time, Peter’s main website and main blog are now fully integrated on the same site.
“This allows people to read my blog posts and access information about me and my writing all at one place. There will be no more bouncing from the blog to the website and back again,” Peter added.
The final development is a fresh new look. “The pages have a clean appearance and navigation is a breeze. What’s interesting,” said the author, “is that the new site contains all the same information—as well as some new content—but it’s now easier to find and much more inviting to read.” highlights Peter’s current writing and future projects, outlines his writing services, and allows readers to receive weekly email updates. It showcases his books and blog posts.
The overhaul has been an ongoing process, evolving over the past few months while the site was live, with regular visitor seeing incremental changes every week.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.
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