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News Release: Peter DeHaan Releases A Faith Manifesto

A Faith Manifesto

New Spirituality E-book Conveys Author’s Basis for Belief and is Available as a Free Download

[Note: this book has since been updated and relaunched as How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love.]

Mattawan, Michigan, Apr 25, 2013—Author Peter DeHaan, PhD, announced the release of his new e-book, A Faith Manifesto, an essential belief statement of what it means to follow Jesus as revealed in the Bible.

Weighing in at a mere 2,800 words, A Faith Manifesto is a quick read that’s packed with elegant simplicity, yet offers much to contemplate.

Proclaiming the Bible as his foundation for belief, Peter simply asks, “What did Jesus say?” Compiling Jesus’ own words from the biblical accounts of his teaching, the evidence mounts to produce a fresh perspective.

The result wipes away centuries of assumptions that don’t really align with Jesus’ teaching.

And that’s just part one. There are two more parts—even more daring and outrageous than the first—as Peter urges readers to “follow the God who is revealed in the Bible.”

A Faith Manifesto is a succinct account of the foundation of my theology,” stated Dr. DeHaan. “It also serves nicely as a focal point for much of my other writing. Part one of A Faith Manifesto is a concise summary of key principles from my dissertation.”

Peter continued, stating that two other books he is working on also connect with the core ideas expressed in A Faith Manifesto.

A Faith Manifesto is available as a PDF file and formatted for easy viewing on a computer screen.

Read more in How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love and discover what the Bible says about following Jesus. Available in e-book and paperback.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

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