Peter DeHaan News

Dear Theophilus, Isaiah

40 Prophetic Insights about Jesus, Justice, and Gentiles

Isaiah was an awesome prophet, but do you sometimes struggle to understand what he wrote?

End your frustration.

Read Dear Theophilus, Isaiah for accessible, practical, no-nonsense insights into God’s most prolific prophet. Then connect his words to our world today.

Discover what Isaiah says about:

  • Peace—and about woe.
  • The critical importance of justice and the evil of injustice, both then and now.
  • The coming savior, Jesus, who will embrace all people of all nations.
  • Our future and the end times.
  • The amazing parallels between the books of Isaiah and Revelation.

Dear Theophilus, Isaiah is part devotional, part Bible study, and part commentary, but it’s fully an exploration of biblical spirituality for today’s followers of Jesus.

Did you know?:

  • Isaiah predicted the deportation of Judah and its repatriation 70 years later. (Both events happened just as he said.)
  • New Testament writers refer to Isaiah more than any other prophet (79 times).
  • Isaiah also includes some psalms and historical accounts.
  • Jesus read from the book of Isaiah in the synagogue. (It told us about Jesus!)
  • Later, a man from Ethiopia reads Isaiah and then gets baptized.

Get your copy of Dear Theophilus, Isaiah today, and start digging into this most amazing prophet whose words can still inspire and inform us today.

Note: Dear Theophilus, Isaiah has been updated and republished as For Unto Us: 40 Prophetic Insights About Jesus, Justice, and Gentiles from the Prophet Isaiah.

Get your copy today.

Read more about the book of Isaiah in For Unto Us: 40 Prophetic Insights About Jesus, Justice, and Gentiles from the Prophet Isaiah available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.