Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Publishing to Consolidate Imprints

Benefits Include Streamlined Production and Easier Management

Peter DeHaan Publishing Inc announced that it would consolidate imprints to streamline production, avoid unnecessary complexity when publishing books, and ease management.

President Peter DeHaan commented on the change noting that “Our four imprints had an elegant structure to them, which provided a source of personal pride, but they offered no benefit to readers and unnecessarily complicated the reporting and tracking of book sales.”

The four imprints are Rock Rooster Books, Spiritually Speaking Publishing, Advanced Call Center Resources, and Edgemore Publishing.

  • The Spiritually Speaking Publishing imprint focused on books about biblical Christianity.
  • As the name implies, Advanced Call Center Resources provided content for the call center and contact center industry, as well as telephone answering services.
  • Edgemore Publishing focused on fiction works, primarily young adult (YA) and new adult.

All three will merge into Rock Rooster Books. Prior to the consolidation, Rock Rooster Books served the business market, but will now become a generic imprint to cover all books in all formats.

Rock Rooster Books gets its name after company president Peter DeHaan. “Peter means stone or the rock in Hebrew, and DeHaan means the rooster in Dutch,” the publisher said.” Merging these together resulted in Rock Rooster Books.

“The transition has already begun but will take years to complete,” noted DeHaan. “As we update older books on these imprints, we’ll phase out their respective imprints and replace it with Rock Rooster Books.”

Edgemore Publishing, however, has already been phased out. Advanced Call Center Resources will follow soon. Because of the number of books produced under the Spiritually Speaking Publishing imprint, phasing it out will take much longer.

This effort to consolidate imprints will not affect readers, book availability, or production schedules. “It’s an internal process to allow for increased efficiency and smoother operational management,” DeHaan concluded.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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