Pastor Resources

Are you a pastor, a church staffer, or a lay leader?

Check out these ministry resources for your personal use or to encourage those under your care:

Online Bible Study

Each Monday Peter posts another installment of his online Bible study. Use this for your personal growth, to teach your staff, or to encourage your congregation. You can even tap it as a starting point to inform your sermons, teachings, or group discussions.

This is also an ideal resource for those in ministry positions who haven’t been able to take part in traditional Bible instruction or training.

Bible Reading Plans

We all know that reading the Bible is important, but many Christians face challenges in doing it on a regular basis and in a meaningful way. A Bible reading plan may just be the solution you need.

Peter has many Bible reading plans available, including monthly plans and annual plans to guide you in reading the New Testament, the Old Testament, or the entire Bible in one year.

Use these Bible reading plans for your own education and enlightenment, to guide staff members, or to lead your entire congregation. Pick a plan and go through it as a group. Encourage one another, teach one another, and grow together in your faith through regular Bible reading, study, and discussion.

Themed Blog Posts

Peter has over 2,200 blog posts on this site. All of them address our common faith from a solid biblical foundation. The Bible is key to having a fruitful faith journey.

You may be especially interested in the topics of Christian Living and Bible Insights, as well as the above mentioned Bible Study thread.

Bible Reading Support

In addition to Peter’s popular Bible reading plans, another valuable resource is Seven Tips to Form a Bible Reading Habit. And when you sign up to receive his weekly emails, you will get his esteemed Bible Reading Tip Sheet.

Selected Readings




Faithful Living


God has called Peter to write and use his words to advance the kingdom. He does this as his full-time job and personal ministry that reaches around the world.

Though Peter enjoys mentoring others, he no longer has time to do so on an individual basis. His books and blog posts, however, are a great way to receive his mentoring from afar.

You can also sign up to receive his weekly newsletter, read his RSS feed, or follow him on Substack (recommended method).

A Bible A Day

Peter’s other website has 1,000 more pages and many helpful Bible resources. These include Bible FAQs, a summary of the Books of the Bible, and a growing Bible Dictionary.


Question: What is the basis for Peter’s teaching? Can I rely on it?

Answer: Peter has intentionally avoided a formal, academic theological study. Instead, he focuses on studying the Bible as the foundation for his faith, his writing, and his life. He does this under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

But don’t assume his teaching is error free. No one could make that claim, and no one should. If something Peter writes feels wrong to you, offer him grace and seek the Holy Spirit for clarification. This is what we should do with all our ministers and teachers.

And in case you’re wondering, his PhD focused on pastoral ministry, not theology.

Peter is not part of a denomination, nor does he ascribe to a particular theological perspective. As a result, Peter does not fit in any singular theological box, and many people who have tried to categorize him have failed in frustration.

Instead, he seeks to transcend these tidy—but misleading—theological labels. In doing so he strives to holistically address all of Christianity from a biblical perspective.

If you want to build your faith on firm biblical teaching, Peter’s writing will encourage you and guide you as you move forward. And may God bless you as you do.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

Bogged Down Reading the Bible?

10 Essential Bible Reading Tips, from Peter DeHaan

Get the Bible Reading Tip Sheet: “10 Tips to Turn Bible Reading from Drudgery to Delight.”

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