Christian Living

Welcome to Summer

Technically summer doesn’t start for another month (June 21). Summer then lasts for three months (until September 21).

Though the Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox formally mark the beginning and ending of the summer season, the weather and our response to it shows we don’t care too much about the official dates.

From a practical standpoint, many people in the United States view Memorial Day Weekend (this year, starting on May 25) as the beginning of summer and lasting until Labor Day (this year, September 2).

This perspective means summer started this past weekend!

Although spring is my favorite season, summer follows as a close second. Fall isn’t too bad either, except that it foreshadows winter, my least favorite time of the year.

My energy level and, therefore, my ability to tackle projects and complete tasks is highest in the spring and summer. In the fall I try to bring major projects to completion, before my energy wanes.

Winter is a time when I place a hold on accepting new assignments and making commitments.

Less this appears I’m writing off a big part of the year, let’s compare this to our energy cycle during the day. I’m a morning person and that’s my time to make things happen.

When I’m at my peak, I can complete something in minutes that might take an hour or more to do when I’m tired—and it still might not be my best work.

Therefore, I do important things when I’m at my peak and save less important things for later on. It doesn’t matter if the span is a day or a year—my goal is to work smart.

Regardless if summer is your favorite season or not, I wish you a great one!

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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