In my post, “Let’s Get Together,” I pointed out the importance of not going alone on our spiritual journey, but rather enjoying the company fellow travelers and the collective safety of going together.
While this is best accomplished in person, sometimes that is not feasible. Towards that end, I recommend magazines as a supplemental source of spiritual formation.
There are hundreds of worthy periodicals to consider, but there are three that, in my mind, emerge as the prime contenders for consideration. Listed alphabetically, they are:
Check out all three, as each is roughly aligned with a major stream of Christian thought and practice. For me, one of them I mostly resonant with, another stretches me in a good way, and the third frequently irritates me.
While each response to the three magazines has merit, it is the third one is most beneficial. After all, if I only read articles that I agree with, what good is that?
However, when I am exposed to sound, biblically-based thoughts that are foreign to me, my perspective of what it means to follow Jesus widens and my acceptance of others becomes more inclusive.
After all, isn’t this what Jesus taught?
[Although a magazine only permits one-way communication, most magazines offer on-line forums and resources that allow readers to interact with others, thereby facilitating true dialogue and aiding the spiritual journey.]
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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