Christian Living

Why You May Be In The Top One Percent

I’m weary hearing about the top 1 percent, the wealthiest people in the USA. While too much has already been said about this from a political, social, and philosophical standpoint, I see it as a spiritual issue.

For most of us in the US, the bottom 99 percent, we need to guard against a spirit of envy. In fact, we should be happy (the Bible would use the word “rejoice”) for just how much the top 1 percent has gained.

Let’s not forget that we, too, have gained. But it is spirit of envy that objects to someone else who gains more than us.

For the top 1 percent in the USA, let me provide a spiritual reminder: you are blessed to be a blessing. That is, help others with your money. You don’t have to give it all away (but you could).

I’m not advocating socialism or higher taxes, but I am suggesting a spirit of generosity that continually seeks to do the most good with the money that God has allowed you to earn.

However, there is a bigger picture that we need to look at, a worldwide one. According to the website, if you make over $49,000 a year, than you are in the top 1 percent worldwide.

You are blessed and need to be a blessing to others. Don’t be envious of the few who make more; be generous to the 99 percent who make less.

Did you know that about half the world lives on less than $4 a day—and that about a billion people live on less than $1 a day?

Consider that next time you buy a gourmet coffee or rent a movie—your trivial expenditure equals the daily income of someone else.

Helping those in need is a spiritual issue, so is realizing that you are not part of the problem, but the solution.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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