When we give something to others, there should be a spiritual element to our generosity. It’s more than just to be nice to them or to feel better about ourselves.
There’s a spiritual aspect in giving that can honor God and connect us more closely with him.
There’s also a spiritual aspect in receiving. Just as a rightly given gift should be offered graciously, it should also be received gratefully.
Doing so honors the giver and likewise connects us more closely with God, the ultimate giver of all good gifts.
I recently had some minor surgery and was on the receiving end of other’s generosity. Most prominently, my bride became my head nurse for a few days, doing things for me I’m used to doing myself.
Each act of kindness was another small gift.
Although I’m more comfortable in the role of giver, I endeavored to receive each gift well. This was to honor both the giver and the God behind the gift.
We can show God’s love by how we give—and in how we receive.
May we do both well.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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