Christian Living

The Mystery of Fasting

Fast for the Right Reasons

Fasting, after falling out of favor, is being reclaimed as a viable spiritual discipline. While I admit to regularly fasting, I also admit to being regularly perplexed by its practice.

Fasting is simply going without something (usually food) for a time to draw closer to God.

When I fast, this does happen, but I’m not sure why. In a theoretical sense, when I fast, my craving for food (a physical need) heightens my craving for God (a spiritual need).

While I comprehend this, it explains little.

My fasts are from food, usually for 24 hours; I endeavor to do this weekly. Occasionally God has told me to cut my fast short and a few times he has prompted me to extend it (and once or twice, I bailed midway through).

When I fast, the times I would normally spend preparing and eating a meal are reallocated to spiritual activities, such as praying, meditating, journaling, or simply listening.

At times this is an effort, but usually it is a significant spiritual experience. As such, I generally approach my weekly fast with joyful expectation.

Here are some of the things I’ve learned about fasting over the years:

  • Fasting is not about earning spiritual Brownie points; it is not about manipulating God or getting his attention.
  • Fasting is best done with little fanfare and not to gain the “respect” of others. I only let people know I am fasting if it will be an encouragement to them (which is why I’m blogging about it) or to explain why I’m not eating when they are.
  • For me, fasting also has side benefits (I am more productive when I fast and I lose weight), but whenever the side benefits become the focal point, the fast loses its spiritual power.
  • The hardest part of my fast is ending it well; that is, not overeating at its conclusion.

Despite my frequency of fasting and the significant spiritual aspect, it is still largely a mystery to me.

Nevertheless, I will persist in it because it more fully connects me to God than when I don’t fast.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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