Take Time to Show Your Appreciation
Everyone has a dad. Some know their dads and respect them, whereas others don’t. Too many are estranged from their dads, and a few don’t even know who their dads are.
Yet we all have dads. As a result, some people celebrate Father’s Day, others tolerate it, and a few try to ignore it.
Regardless what we think of our biological dads and Dads’ Day, we’ll do even better to turn our attention to our spiritual Father on this Fathers’ Day, our Father in heaven: God the Father.
He is the perfect Dad. He loves us unconditionally, always gives us what’s best, and wants a forever relationship with us.
For some people, seeing God the Father as a perfect Dad is easy. This is because their own dads were such a good model of what it is to be a father.
They weren’t flawless men—for perfection is impossible—but they did succeed far more than they failed, apologized when they messed up, and did anything for their kids.
My dad did a great job, so it’s easy for me to see God the Father as the ultimate dad. It’s easy to love him, for I know his deep, passionate, unending love for me. Thank you Dad, and thank you Father.
Unfortunately, not everyone has this advantage. Some have or had dads with more flaws than not; others had dads who did some terrible things; and a few have no idea what a dad is, let alone a good one. My heart aches for you.
If that is you, I offer this encouragement: despite the flaws and faults of your own dad, I urge you to spend today considering what a ideal one would be like. Realize there is a perfect Father—God the Father.
Maybe you’re not ready to embrace him, perhaps you don’t know how, or possibly you don’t even want to. Yet, ask for his help, that he’ll open your heart, show you how to love, and that you can love him back.
May today be your best Father’s Day celebration ever—and the first of many more.
On this Father’s Day, as we thank our earthly dads, may we even more so honor our Heavenly Father.
Thank you, Dad!
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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