Christian Living

A Desert Experience Results in a Spiritual Smack Down

I enjoy reading the spiritual exploits of those from an earlier era, a time when the spiritual journey was more gritty, vibrant, and real. It was dangerous—often with life or death ramifications.

These experiences are far different from most modern-day followers, whose journeys usually pale in comparison, where risk is small and reward, minimal.

One such enlightening book is The New Mystics by John Crowder. Another is Patron Saints for Postmoderns by Chris R. Armstrong. Sharing the story of ten who have gone before us, Armstrong first tells of Antony of Egypt.

Antony removed himself to the hot and barren desert in order to hone his spiritual disciplines.

Notably, Jesus did the same thing before he began his ministry. Both encountered trials and testing in their desert experience, emerging stronger as a result.

Antony chose a place reputed to be inhabited only by demons. Of his experience there, Armstrong writes:

“There he indeed encountered demons, who took on the forms of wild beasts, sent by the devil into his cell to intimidate him.

But Antony mocked them, reminding them that Christ had robbed them of any authority and cast them down.

“Not being able to withstand his scornful ridicule, they disappeared.”

It was a spiritual smackdown if ever there was one.

Antony’s life is far different from mine, and that gives me much to ponder.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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