Proclaim Love Through Action and Not Reaction
Most people think of love as a feeling. They fall in love, and they fall out of love. They get married because they feel in love, and they divorce when the feeling goes away. We’d be better off viewing love as action and not reaction. Instead, love is a verb.
Instead of having a me-first attitude when it comes to romance, put the other person first. Make them a priority. Don’t look for what they can do for you. Instead, seek what you can do for them.
Show love through actions. Adopt a new perspective that love is a verb. Here are the things to do to put love into action:
- is patient
- is kind
- rejoices with the truth
- protects
- trusts
- hopes
- perseveres
Furthermore, love
- does not envy
- does not boast
- is not proud
- does not dishonor
- is not self-seeking
- is not easily angered
- keeps no record of wrongs
- does not delight in evil
Do these words sound familiar? We get them from the Bible, from the writings of Paul (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
Reread this list, thinking specifically of your spouse or your romantic love interest. Consider what you should start doing for them and stop doing to them. Contemplate this list with care.
Now, reread the list a second time thinking of your family. How can you be more loving toward them?
On the third pass consider your friends. What should you change in your behavior toward them?
Next, think of your coworkers.
Now, what about those you don’t get along with? Those who oppose you? Your enemies? Consider how to treat them differently. You need to show them love too.
Last, consider all the other people you interact with.
In short, we need to show love to everyone.
Love is a verb. Let’s put this into practice, starting today.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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