Many people think that singing songs in church is worshiping God. They’re right, but there’s more.
Other people call the entire church service, “worship,” as in “Our worship service is at ten.” I suppose they’re right, too. But there’s more to worship than a one hour a week effort.
Ideally, everything we do, say, and think can worship God. At least, it should. Yet sometimes that’s hard to do.
Yesterday, as I tried to get my snowblower ready for winter, I should have been happy that I have a snowblower in the first place and found time to prep it.
Instead I was upset that it didn’t start, despite doing all the right steps. And when it finally did start, I forgot to thank God for answered prayer.
As far as worship, I fell short.
Yet my writing is one way that I do worship God. Everything I write is either about him or for him. I sense his pleasure as I type away. After finishing a piece, I think he smiles with delight as I offer it to him.
Whether it’s primitive or polished, as long as I did my best, he receives it with joy. Like a proud parent he posts it on his refrigerator for all to see.
Each Sunday, I write before I go to church, and it’s often my most profound worship experience of the week. Sitting passively in a pew may have its positive moments, but for me it pales to making something and offering it to God.
Here it is, God. I give you another piece of my writing as an act of worship.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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10 replies on “How I Worship God”
I love the idea of writing for God before the service as an act of worship. I am going to do it today. What a love-filled idea.
May you worship well!
Interesting thought. I tend to see my writing as a channel for His thoughts. I am filled with gratitude that He saw reasons to give me this gift and when I use it I feel I am letting something out of me. This blog gives me a way now to look upon my whole writing experience. Thanks Peter. I wish we were in the same group as I always appreciated the honesty in your writings about church. May God continue to enrich your life.
Thanks, Rich. Your words mean a lot to me!
I often feel that the church service is last in line for authentic worship. Try as I might, I often find myself “working at worship” at church. It’s tricky. Jesus said that where two or three are gathered…not where two or more are gathered. I function more authentically with smaller crowds. Like one or two people. That’s just me, and I know we shouldn’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together.
As far as writing, punching down keys and forming thoughts for me are like a bird using its God given wings. God nick-named me John-boy, so I am rolling with it. Eric Liddel, from the movie Chariots of Fire speaks like my heart beats:
“God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast, and when I run I feel His pleasure.”
Whatever God has called us to do, when we do it, we worship more deeply, purely, and draw closer to mature authenticity.
We are indeed made for a purpose. Well said.
Sometimes writing is an act of obedience.
Ann, you are so right. Thanks for connecting the dots!
This will go down in the record books as one of my Peter Dehaan favorites. I can relate to what you’ve written because I feel the same way about my writing. Thanks for these thoughts, they warmed my heart!
Thanks so much for the affirmation. I’m fortunate to have a friend like you!