Christian Living

A Good Male Role Model

Seek Someone to Inform Your Life and Actions

One time when meeting with a young man, he admitted to me his struggle to know what it was to be masculine in a God-honoring way. “I just want a good male role model,” he lamented.

I immediately knew two things from his complaint.

First, he didn’t view me as a good role model.

Second, my desire for a good male role model was not unique to myself.

If he and I both feel that need, surely other men do too. But where are we to find a good role model?

Worthy of Emulation

Though there are many men worthy of admiration, I see none of them worthy of emulation, as being a good role model. Like all people, each one I consider had his strengths and his weaknesses.

This includes men I know personally, as well as figures I know of but only from a distance. None of them emerged as worthy of being a good male role model.

I then turned my attention to the Bible. Certainly I could find a good men to model in Scripture.

I considered two of my favorite Bible characters: Joseph and Daniel, both in the Old Testament. Though each commendable candidates, neither provides enough of an example for me to mold my life after.

Yes, they both have commendable characteristics and few, if any, negative ones. Aside from a few specific traits, however, I don’t see enough there for them to become a good role model.

Another Consideration

Of course, there is Jesus. But as soon as I considered him, I realized he’s an equally good role model for both men and women. Though Jesus is an excellent role model for everyone, I’m not sure how well he does at exemplifying masculinity.

Indeed, we don’t find the word masculine in Scripture. Nor do we find the word feminine there either. These concepts are more cultural than biblical.

God created us, male and female in his image, with different gender-specific characteristics emerging because of our biology. Yet from this I see little to inform masculinity or femininity.

I’ve given up trying to find a good male role model. Instead, I’m content to have a role model, irrespective of gender. My role model is Jesus. He did, after all, say, follow me.

Not only do we follow Jesus as our Savior, but we can also follow him as our role model. There’s no one who would be better to pattern our life after.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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