I just returned from a writers conference. It was a rewarding and informative time in learning about the art—and business—of writing well.
In the closing presentation, our speaker astutely noted that some of us write fiction and some non-fiction; some write for the Christian market and some for the general market—and that’s okay.
As writers, we need to be content with the area and genre that God has provided for us, not wishing to be writing something different and not pining for the success of others or the opportunities afforded them.
The same is true with our spiritual journeys. We are each on our own path and it is unwise to wish for be like someone else instead of who God has called us to be.
We may not pray as much as someone else or comprehend biblical truth like our best friend.
Others may be better at telling others about Jesus or more confident in reaching out to those who are hurting, but if that is not who God created us to be, it is foolish to falsely pursue those things—and disrespectful to God and the person he made us to be.
Whether it is writing or our faith journey, it is not wrong to want to improve and to grow; in fact, it is admirable and advisable.
However, to compare ourselves with others, diminishing who we are or what we do in the process, is little more than dismissing God’s provision and missing his plan for us.
We need to be content with where we are and stay true to our calling.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
Read more in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.
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