Christian Living

Another Way to Worship God

For the past few days I’ve helped on a home improvement project. I’ve urged my body forward, performing physical tasks long ago forgotten.

There’s an ache that permeates my muscles and reaches into my joints. But it’s a good ache; it’s an ache of accomplishment.

When God completed his creation, he said, “It is good.” When our remodeling project is finished, we will likewise take a step back to survey the results and say, “It is good.”

I think that will please our creator who will receive our work as an act of worship.

The opposite of work is idleness: watching too much TV, playing too many games, persisting in meaningless conversation, and sleeping when we don’t need it—wasting the time God gave us and squandering what he intended us to be.

Though we need rest and to guard against busyness, we also need to avoid the opposite.

God made us to do things: to work and to create. When we do as he intended, we sense fulfillment.

When we do so for his honor, we worship him. Then we rest.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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