Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #2: Size is the Enemy of Friendly

With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #2. Visiting this church, a newer, accessible, nondenominational gathering, was as easy as Church #1 was challenging. Here, there were no awkward situations or outdated practices. We felt comfortable and at […]

Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #1: Awkward Church

With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I have the benefit of time to more fully reflect on the complete experience, starting with Church #1. Every week, it was hard for me to walk into a new church, but the first time was the hardest. Although terrified, I had a good attitude. Because of […]

Visiting Churches

Church 53: Home for Holy Week

Our journey is over. I’m sad and excited at the same time. Our spiritual sojourn of fifty-two churches has ended. Reunion with our home church, church 53, community looms large. Today is Good Friday and our Easter celebration will be in two days, but I can’t wait for Sunday. I desire a preview, a reminder […]

Visiting Churches

A Contemporary Service (Visiting Church #52, part 2)

There’s a half hour span between the two services. As we wait, we recognize many people, waving “Hi” to some and enjoying meaningful conversation with others. Time passes quickly as we wait for the contemporary service to begin. The stage is reset, with the orchestra section removed. This gives more room for the contemporary worship […]

Visiting Churches

A Blended Service (Visiting Church #52, part 1)

The church has two services: a “blended” celebration, followed by a contemporary one. We go to both, starting with the blended service. For their blended service, traditional organ music engulfs the space during the prelude, prompting enthusiastic applause. On stage, an orchestra of fifteen plays for the opening song set. The amplified vibrato of the […]

Visiting Churches

A Megachurch (Visiting Church #51)

I’ve heard much about this church, likely the largest in the area, and am guarded over having too high of expectations. It’s an adventure just getting inside, with a policeman directing traffic and a parking lot crew to rival the best amusement park. Using cutting-edge technology and exuding excellence in what they do, today is […]

Visiting Churches

Saturday Mass (Visiting Church #50)

We park a block from church. As we hike to where we hope the entrance is, we engage in conversation with a woman, seeming to make a good connection. I consider asking if we can sit with her, so we may follow her lead during the service. But she breezes inside and scurries away—so much […]

Visiting Churches

Great Teaching, But Something’s Wrong (Visiting Church #49)

With hundreds of people milling about, it’s a packed place. Just inside the door, a man approaches. “Have I met you before?” We assure him he hasn’t but he thinks he should know us anyway. He’s wearing an ear mic. I wonder if he’s the pastor, but if he is, he doesn’t say so, merely […]

Visiting Churches

How Does the Story End? (Visiting Church #48)

Today’s destination is next door to last week’s; they even share a common drive. We enter, sign the guest book, and head towards the music. Standing just outside the sanctuary, Candy sees an acquaintance, who invites us to sit with her and her husband. This is the third time on our journey we’ve experienced this […]

Visiting Churches

Three Noteworthy Things About Church (Visiting Church #47)

Three significant actions stand out from church today: 1. Here’s What to Expect “Let me tell you what to expect in our service.” A lady takes time to explain their worship style and reveals they take communion every week. “It’s an open communion.” I nod, glad to know. I ponder this question every time a […]