Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Kingdom Journeys

Kingdom Journeys: Rediscovering the Lost Spiritual Discipline By Seth Barnes (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Seth Barnes begins Kingdom Journeys by relating one of his own—a journey both physical and spiritual—one he first took as a 20-something college graduate. It resulted from restlessness, an inner desire to do something that mattered. It bubbled up inside. He needed […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Divided by Faith

Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America By Michael O. Emerson and Christian Smith (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Divided by Faith investigates race relations between whites and blacks in the United States. Although white evangelicals have a well-intentioned desire to end racial inequality, their efforts can—and have—unwittingly serve to do more […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Stark Raving Obedience

Stark Raving Obedience: Radical Results from Listening Prayer By Ted Kallman and Isaiah Kallman (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)“The only way to have a personal relationship with anyone is to talk with them, to build trust and have a history with them,” (p 12). This is a fitting perspective for Ted and Isaiah Kallman’s book Stark […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Deep and Wide

Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend By Andy Stanley (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Is your church all that it can be and should be? Do you ever wonder what’s missing or long for more? Are you serving those who are churched or seeking those who are unchurched? Andy Stanley’s new book, Deep […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: King of Rascals

By Rob Link (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Rob Link’s, King of Rascals, is essentially a book about Jesus—and about us. We are rascals and he, our king. As rascals, we have issues, but as our king, he loves us anyway. In part one of King of Rascals, eight chapters reveal who Jesus is and our relationship […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Warfare Prayer

Warfare Prayer: How to Seek God’s Power and Protection in the Battle to Build His Kingdom By C. Peter Wagner (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) The subtitle of Warfare Prayer is How to Seek God’s Power and Protection in the Battle to Build His Kingdom. The book is the first in Wagner’s trilogy series entitled, The […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: True Story

True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In By James Choung (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Caleb is questioning God, faith, and what he has been taught. “What if we’ve settled? What if Jesus did more than we think?” Pastor Dave is unnerved by the questions, wanting to give pat evangelical answers—or to dismiss the questions altogether. Caleb’s […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Thrift Store Saints

Thrift Store Saints: Meeting Jesus 25¢ at a Time By Jane Knuth (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Jane Knuth never set out to help the poor; that wasn’t her plan and wasn’t her calling. She was merely trying to buy a rosary at the local thrift store—and was frustrated with the whole ordeal—when a spry octogenarian […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit

The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit: Encountering The Power of Signs and Wonders By C. Peter Wagner (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) C. Peter Wagner begins The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit by identifying the first two waves: the Pentecostal movement that opened the twentieth century and the wider Charismatic movement that followed it some […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Slave Across the Street

By Theresa L. Flores, with Peggy Sue Wells (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) The Slave Across the Street, by Theresa L. Flores puts a face—a middle-class American face—on human trafficking, specifically for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. This real-life account of Theresa’s recruitment, manipulation, and coercion to become a sex slave will surprise and shock. […]