Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: What If…

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Each day we make hundreds of decisions, such as getting on a bus or getting off a bus. Some of those choices have lifelong consequences. Such is the case with Ben Walker (Kevin Sorbo) in the movie What If…. His bus ride sent him on a path in the wrong direction, […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: From Times Square to Timbuktu

The Post-Christian West Meets the Non-Western Church By Wesley Granberg-Michaelson (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)What does the future of the Christian church look like? The answer may surprise you. While Christianity is languishing in the United States and Western Europe, it’s growing in the rest of the world, especially the global south. In From Times Square […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Escaping the Cauldron

Escaping the Cauldron: Exposing occult influences in everyday life By Kristine McGuire (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)In Escaping the Cauldron, Kristine McGuire shares her rollercoaster ride with the occult. What at first seemed like harmless play and entertaining experimentation, eventually progressed into a full-blown embrace of dark spiritual forces. Kristine became a witch. For a time, […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Multiply

Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples By Francis Chan and Mark Beuving (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Many Christians—and the churches they attend—skip the part about making disciples. Though Jesus commanded us to make disciples and modeled how to do it, too often we neglect disciple-making altogether. Even when we try to make disciples, we often reduce it to […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Dallas and the Spitfire

An Old Car, An Ex-con, and An Unlikely Friendship By Ted Kluck and Dallas Jahncke (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)With a sordid past and running out of options, ex-con and former addict Dallas Jahncke acquiesces to enter a drug rehabilitation program at a homeless shelter, one with a Christian perspective. In addition to avoiding more jail […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Quit Going to Church

By Bob Hostetler (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)A book bearing the instruction to “quit going to church” might strike some church-going folk as a text to avoid, one surely full of disrespectful thoughts or even heresy. This is not so with Bob Hostetler’s book. Bob pens his work, not as one who has dismissed church attendance […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Wrecked

When a Broken World Slams into Your Comfortable Life By Jeff Goins (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Wrecked is what happened to Jeff Goins when God figuratively tapped him on his shoulder, causing him to turn around and actually see what he had been conveniently overlooking. As a result, his self-centered, non-committed demeanor was pierced. Other […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Crazy Love

Overwhelmed by a Relentless God By Francis Chan with Danae Yankoski (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Francis Chan’s Crazy Love opens by bravely stating what is self-obvious to many Christians, but is seldom voiced: “we all know something’s wrong.” Chan unabashedly writes this book “for those who yearn for more Jesus,” for those “bored with what American […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Patron Saints for Postmoderns

10 From the Past Who Speak to Our Future By Chris R. Armstrong (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)In Patron Saints for Postmoderns: 10 From the Past Who Speak to Our Future, author Chris Armstrong examines the lives of ten extraordinary people whose examples transcend time and teach us today. While they may have preceded us in […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Aedyn Chronicles

The Aedyn Chronicles: Chosen Ones By Alister McGrath (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) In tween fantasy book, The Aedyn Chronicles: Chosen Ones, Peter and Julia’s parents send them to live with their grandparents in rural England. Amid their bickering, they discover a mysterious garden and its enchanted pool, which transports them to an ancient mythical island. […]