Peter DeHaan News

More Than 52 Churches: The Journey Continues

Wasn’t Visiting 52 Churches in a Year Enough? No way. Not even close. Let the journey of discovery continue in this poignant sequel to 52 Churches. This time we take a wider swath as we visit more of Jesus’s churches. More variety. More cringe-worthy moments. And more of God at work. Yes, you’ll get all […]

Peter DeHaan News

Dear Theophilus, Isaiah

40 Prophetic Insights about Jesus, Justice, and Gentiles Isaiah was an awesome prophet, but do you sometimes struggle to understand what he wrote? End your frustration. Read Dear Theophilus, Isaiah for accessible, practical, no-nonsense insights into God’s most prolific prophet. Then connect his words to our world today. Discover what Isaiah says about: Dear Theophilus, […]

Peter DeHaan News

Dear Theophilus, Acts: 40 Devotional Insights for Today’s Church

Does Your Church Function Like the Early Church in Acts? Doubt it. Yes, you may see snippets of similarities, but if you look closely, you’ll find huge gaps. Don’t believe me? We’re Just Getting Started Wait, There’s More Dear Theophilus, Acts is a devotional. It’s a Bible Study. And it emerges as a manifesto for […]

Peter DeHaan News

The 52 Churches Workbook

Becoming a Spiritual Community that Matters What would you learn if you visited 52 churches? How might that change the way you treated visitors at your church? You don’t need to go to a boatload of churches. Peter already has. The 52 Churches Workbook is the perfect tool to gain valuable insights without the pain […]

Peter DeHaan News

The Friends and Foes of Jesus

Discover How People in the New Testament React to God’s Good News Jesus Was Loved. He Was Hated. But He Was Never Ignored. Some people think Jesus was easy-going. Hardly. Everything he did and said sparked passionate reaction. He polarized people. Some adored Jesus to the point of dying for him. But those who feared […]

Peter DeHaan News

That You May Know

(Formerly published as Dear Theophilus, the Dear Theophilus series, book 1) A 40-Day Devotional Exploring the Life of Jesus through the Gospel of Luke You’ve Never Seen the Gospel of Luke Quite Like This You may have read the gospel of Luke. But you might have missed a few things. Maybe more than a few. […]

Peter DeHaan News

52 Churches

A Yearlong Journey Encountering God, His Church, and Our Common Faith Visit fifty-two churches in a year? Am I crazy? Maybe. I spent a year visiting a different Christian church every Sunday: Protestant mainline, evangelical, and charismatic, Roman Catholic, and more. I visited a church just like yours. I’m positive. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll […]

Peter DeHaan News

Women of the Bible: The Victorious, the Victims, the Virtuous, and the Vicious

How Does God Really Feel About Women? Listen to some people in church. Watch what they do. It may cause you to assume God views women as second class. Far from it. The truth is, the Bible has story after story about how fascinating women are. They’re more nuanced than men, have profound insights we […]

Peter DeHaan News

How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love

How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love What’s It Take to Be Welcome in Jesus’s Tent? The Bible gives us the answers, but most people miss them. And too many clergy spout manmade solutions that miss the mark. Discover what Jesus said it takes to “go all in” for […]

Peter DeHaan News

Hear Guest Peter DeHaan on the We Are Saved Podcast

Check Out This New Christian Podcast I listen to a lot of podcasts. And I started a podcast over a decade ago. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. After a dozen or so episodes I ran out of time. Yet my interest in the medium never waned. For me, the […]