If this is your first time setting an annual Bible reading goal, we recommend starting with the New Testament. The Annual New Testament Bible Reading Plan is now available. Read the New Testament in a year. It only takes 3 to 4 minutes a day, Monday through Friday. (If an annual New Testament Bible reading […]
Category: Peter DeHaan News
Peter DeHaan news and updates
Top Blog Posts for 2008
I’ve been blogging for six months now, posting 120 entries. It’s been a learning experience and an enjoyable endeavor. I’m still not writing as quickly as I would like or as accurately and seemingly every post requires an edit or two. My top entries so are an interesting collection: I assumed after a post had […]
A new Video Review section has been added to this website. Just like our growing Book Review section, this is a place for us to list movies and videos that might be of interest to you in your spiritual journey.
The Bible Terms section in ABibleADay.com has been reformatted and greatly expanded; more words are being added weekly. We hope that you are continuing to enjoy A Bible A Day.
Summaries of all 66 books of the Bible have been completed and are now available online at ABibleADay.com. Now the focus shifts to expanding the already growing terms section of the website.
Summaries for all the Prophets of the Old Testament are now available on-line at ABibleADay.com.
Summaries for all the historical books of the Old Testament are finished and now available on-line at ABibleADay.com. Next, I will work on completing summaries for the rest of the prophetic books of the Old Testament. Thank you
Summaries for all 27 New Testament books are finished and now available on-line at ABibleADay.com. Next, I will work on completing summaries for the rest of the books in the Old Testament. Thank you
More information is added to the ABibleADay.com website each week. In addition to more terms, summaries for many books of the Bible have been added, including all of Paul’s epistles. Overviews are now available for: The remaining books of the New Testament will be added within the next week or so.
As content is added to the ABibleADay.com site, some of it may contain words and terms that not familiar to everyone, especially those new to the Bible. Therefore, a section of terms has been added. It’s a bit small right now, but it will grow, especially if you make suggestions for what you would like […]