Christian Living

Let’s Get Together: Celebrating Community

Spend Intentional Time with Other Faith Seekers and Fellow Spiritual Pilgrims Instead of celebrating community, in the individualistic society in which we live, most who pursue spiritual things do so in an individualistic manner—by themselves. This is not good, and it is not wise. Living the spiritual life is best accomplished in conjunction with others. […]

Christian Living

Does Ritual Have Any Value?

A byproduct of my spiritual formation is a disdain for ritual. To me, a ritual is a meaningless religious activity that is mechanically performed; it is an empty ceremony and a mindless habit, devoid of substance. This perspective is due in part to what I read in the Bible, where God repeatedly criticizes his followers […]

Christian Living

The First Step is Recognizing Our Need for God

The Twelve Step program, developed by Alcoholics Anonymous to help people struggling with alcohol addiction, has been extended to address a wide range of destructive, compulsive behaviors. Key applications include drugs, food, sex, gambling, and smoking. The Steps aptly apply to spiritual issues, too. Whatever the situation, be it a compulsion, a habit, a temptation, […]

Christian Living

What’s Your Motivation for Holy Living?

Lately God has been prodding me through his Word and his Spirit to pursue a more holy lifestyle. To me, holy living means right living, what God calls righteousness. Sometimes I make progress towards fulfilling this call, but most times not so much. I’m okay with that; I’m on a journey and the important thing […]

Christian Living

Are You a Theologian?

A friend recently insulted me; he called me a theologian. What gall. I know he meant it as a compliment, but I was taken aback. To me, a theologian is someone who intellectualizes God, sucking all the life and vitality from who he is and turning him into something dry, boring, abstract, and inaccessible. I’ve […]

Christian Living

We Are Body, Soul, and Spirit

Most Christians Have a Worldly Perception of Themselves Instead of a Spiritual One We live in a physical world. As such, we are readily aware that we have a body. If we stop to contemplate it, we may admit to the possibility of having a soul, too—whatever that means. But what about a spirit? In […]

Christian Living

More on the Spirituality of Margery Kempe

In addition to enjoying a dalliance with God, Margery Kempe’s intimate prayer time with the almighty God sometimes resulted in imagining herself participating in Biblical events. I do not know if this was a Holy Spirit inspired meditation or more akin to a vision. As one blessed with a vivid imagination, I can certainly understand […]

Christian Living

Margery Kempe: A Dalliance with God

Another character in Chris Armstrong’s Patron Saints for Postmoderns is Margery Kempe. What intrigues me most about Margery is her deep connection with God. In describing her intimate prayer time, she often used the word “dalliance.” Now dalliance does not seem like a very Godly or holy word; it means “frivolous spending of time, dawdling, […]

Christian Living

Jesus Took the Hit For Us

I sat in a coffee shop with a new friend who had just begun to follow Jesus. As we talked about what that meant and how it intersected with life, he suddenly digressed, blurting out, “I don’t really get this whole deal about Jesus dying for my sins.” I knew the answer, but could I […]

Christian Living

A Desert Experience Results in a Spiritual Smack Down

I enjoy reading the spiritual exploits of those from an earlier era, a time when the spiritual journey was more gritty, vibrant, and real. It was dangerous—often with life or death ramifications. These experiences are far different from most modern-day followers, whose journeys usually pale in comparison, where risk is small and reward, minimal. One […]