Christian Living

What is Prayer?

As a child, I was taught that prayer was talking to God. That is a concise definition and offers an excellent child-appropriate primer on prayer. Later, I was provided with an expanded explanation, that prayer was one-way communication from us to God, with the Bible offering God’s communication back to us. For many people that […]

Christian Living

God Says You Are Holy

Last week, I blogged that God is “holy, holy, holy”—or “all holy,” which I called “omniholy.” In researching that post, I came across a phrase that caught me off guard: “You are holy.” Really? I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel holy. However, it is apparently true that we are holy—or at least […]

Christian Living

God is Omniholy

Last week, in “God is Omni,” I noted that God is omnipresent (all present), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipotent (all-powerful). Today, with the intent of coining a new word, I’d like to suggest that God is also omniholy, that is, he is “all holy.” Consider that the Bible uses the triad “holy, holy, holy” in […]

Christian Living

God is Omni

There are three words that are commonly used to describe God; they all begin with “omni.” The three “omni” words reveal truth about God’s character and nature. The prefix “omni” means all, so these words tell us that God is all present, all knowing, and all powerful. God’s “omni” nature surely provides something us something […]

Christian Living

Say Amen for the Right Reasons

The convention in the circles I move in is that the word “amen” is the concluding statement of a prayer. Most people give that word little thought—or if they do, it may seem no more than a comfortable ritual or trite tradition than anything significant. Upon reflection, it seems that when we say amen at […]

Christian Living

Do You Love God?

When I pray, it’s not just about making requests. It is also about giving God my words—and my heart. Sometimes this means that I tell God I love him. Yes, it is true; I do love God. Although simply saying, “I love you” is a great place to start, God deserves more than that. I […]

Christian Living

How to End a Fast Well

In an earlier post, I talked about fasting. I admitted that despite the spiritual benefits—while tangible and profound—fasting is a mystery to me. I also shared that the most difficult part of my fast was ending it well. From a physical sense, when that initial morsel of food touches my tongue, I am often filled […]

Christian Living

A Failure to Understand the Book of Jude?

I’m doing a series of posts about the short and often overlooked book of Jude. Jude’s letter is a warning, almost a rant, about ungodly people who are in the church. Among their sordid characteristics, Jude says that they “speak abusively against whatever they do not understand.” That seems to be an accurate description of […]

Christian Living

What’s Your Favorite Bible Verse?

What is your favorite verse in the Bible? Is it John 3:16? That seems to be one commonly cited. Or perhaps, it’s commonly cited, only because it is the only one people know. As a teen, just to be contrary and catch people off guard, I would claim that my favorite verse was John 3:17. […]

Christian Living

Going on a Prayer Retreat

Last August, I went on a 24-hour prayer retreat. I had scheduled it at the beginning of summer, picking the optimum day amongst a calendar of prior commitments and a busy work schedule. I anticipated the day with much excitement but some trepidation, looking forward to what God would have in store for me as […]