Christian Living

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth

My wife once scored us great seats at a concert, front row and centered. I was elated. Not only would we have the closest possible view, but there would be no one standing in front of me, so I could remain comfortably seated the entire show. The Concert But when the concert began, everyone stood—and […]

Christian Living

Who is Joachim of Fiore?

Why is He Important? I recently happened upon an interesting understanding of time from Joachim of Fiore, of the past, present, and future. It identifies three major eras of the God who is revealed in the Bible. From the perspective of medieval Christendom—as exemplified by Joachim of Fiore—history is prophetically divided into three eras, each […]

Christian Living

Are You Spiritual But Not Religious?

An increasing number of people say that they are “spiritual but not religious.” For some this is merely a trendy thing to say, but beyond making them sound hip and appear insightful, it is an empty platitude. For others, claiming to be “spiritual but not religious” is an attempt to abdicate responsibility for their behavior […]

Christian Living

How to Pray Yourself Out of a Prayer Rut

People who pray on a regular basis, at some point, are likely to end up in a rut—a prayer rut. (Conversely, people who don’t pray on a regular basis may also be in a prayer rut of sorts, albeit a different kind.) A prayer rut may be likened to trying to extricate a stuck car: […]

Christian Living

Pray for our President—Regardless of Your Party

In the United States, the presidential race is well underway, with the election not until next November, almost a year away. Most people who follow such things—and frankly, it is hard to ignore—have polarized positions about who should be our next president, rather it is to re-elect the incumbent or to elect anyone but the […]

Christian Living

Why You May Be In The Top One Percent

I’m weary hearing about the top 1 percent, the wealthiest people in the USA. While too much has already been said about this from a political, social, and philosophical standpoint, I see it as a spiritual issue. For most of us in the US, the bottom 99 percent, we need to guard against a spirit […]

Christian Living

Do You Enjoy Reading Psalms?

Many people love reading the psalms in the Bible. They connect with the beauty and the flow of the words; they resonate with the pains, passions, and praises of the writers; it is their “go-to” place to find, express, and reveal their emotion of the moment as it emotes from daily living. I am not […]

Christian Living

May We Be Refreshed By Each Other

This week, as I wrote out a prayer in my journal, I invited God into a time of fellowship with me, for us to commune with each other. Then I intended to ask him, “May I be refreshed by our time together.” Instead, I felt a spiritual compulsion and at the last moment I wrote, […]

Christian Living

Do You Struggle With Church Attendance?

Much of my life I have struggled with going to church. It’s not that I’ve been in a crisis of faith, but more a crisis of religion—or, as some would call it, religiosity. Church attendance has not been faith confirming for me as much as faith confounding. My spiritual journey and growth happen largely in […]

Christian Living

Be True to Our Calling

I just returned from a writers conference. It was a rewarding and informative time in learning about the art—and business—of writing well. In the closing presentation, our speaker astutely noted that some of us write fiction and some non-fiction; some write for the Christian market and some for the general market—and that’s okay. As writers, […]