Christian Living

What is True Church?

On a blog I follow there was a drawing for a free book. I’m all about books and it’s even better when they’re free. To enter, I needed to share “what the theological vision for your church is in two sentences or less.” Now the word “theological” repels me, even though theology is simply “the […]

Christian Living

Four Ways to Worship God

When I think about worshiping God, I first think of singing songs to him and about him. Yes, that’s a part of worship, but there’s more. Next, I think about worshiping God by giving money to him and his causes. That’s another aspect of worship, but there’s more. Third, I think about worshiping God by […]

Christian Living

Three Things to Know About Sin

The book of Genesis in the Bible gives a concise three-point teaching about sin. This was written about Cain, but equally applies to us so that we can know about sin. 1. Sin Is Crouching at Our Door The word “crouch” reminds me of a cat getting ready to pounce on its prey. The situation […]

Christian Living

Do We Need to Slow Down?

I recently went on a prayer retreat. To remove myself from the distractions of the day and my environment, I went to a hermitage. For 48 hours there would be no work, no phones, no Internet, no TV, and minimal talking. It was a bustle of activity to prepare for this extended time away, bringing […]

Christian Living

Is Liturgy an Enigma to You?

I grew up attending non-liturgical churches. So when I participate in a liturgical service it is an enigma to me. While there is something that draws me to it, something mystical, almost magical, I am more so repelled by its distance, a cold aloofness that seems foreign for the God I love. Even though things […]

Christian Living

Do You Appreciate Nature?

Enjoying God’s Creation In the pre-dawn haze, I perched at the edge of a meadow. From a distance I watched three whitetail deer arise from their slumber, moving with deliberate slowness as though waiting for their circulation to return and their muscles to wake up. I don’t know if they saw me, smelled me, or […]

Christian Living

Are You a Pharisee?

When we think of the word pharisee, we envision a narrow-minded, hypocritical, self-righteous person. To call someone a pharisee is an insult. So, when we read pharisee in the Bible, we automatically think ill of that person. However, a Pharisee was someone devoted to following a strict moral code aligned with Moses’ instructions, which he received from […]

Christian Living

Can We Really Pray Without Ceasing?

The Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing, to pray continually. This seems to be an impossible task. If we always prayed, we’d be doing nothing but praying. However, Brother Lawrence did approach this goal, learning over the course of many years to be in a constant attitude of prayer as he went about his daily […]

Christian Living

What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?

When people approached Jesus, wanting to connect with him, he would offer a variety of instructions. It seems his response addressed their particular situation and issues. What he said most often was “repent and follow me.” “Repent” simply means to change our ways, to do a U-turn; “follow” means to go after. Sometimes Jesus was […]

Christian Living

Does the Timing of Prayer Matter?

I believe God lives outside of the space-time he created. Therefore, he isn’t limited by time—as we are—so our prayers need not be bounded by time, either. This allows me to pray for things after the fact; the timing of when I pray is not as critical as the fact that I did pray, at […]