Christian Living

The Priesthood of Believers

As Followers of Jesus, We Are All Priests The priesthood of believers says that as followers of Jesus we are all priests—every one of us. It’s time we start acting like it. Let’s discover what this means. Though the Bible never mentions the phrase priesthood of believers, we find the idea of us all being […]

Christian Living

Tithe Your Time

Consider Giving Ten Percent of Your Time Some churches talk a lot about tithing, of the need for us to give them ten percent of our income. In addition, I’ve heard a sermon or two about applying this ten percent guideline to volunteering at church, to tithe your time. It’s an interesting concept that we […]

Christian Living

Pulpit or Pews?

Who Makes Things Happen at Your Church? When something needs to be done at your church, who does it? Many people would say it’s the pastor. They view their clergy as paid employees who are supposed to do the work of the church and serve them. But should they? Paid Staff The idea of having […]

Christian Living

Love Is a Verb

Proclaim Love Through Action and Not Reaction Most people think of love as a feeling. They fall in love, and they fall out of love. They get married because they feel in love, and they divorce when the feeling goes away. We’d be better off viewing love as action and not reaction. Instead, love is […]

Christian Living

What Shapes Your Worldview?

To Get the Right Results, Choose the Best Source A worldview is a person’s beliefs about life and living that shapes how they see the world. We all have a worldview. It forms from the earliest moments of our lives and comes from various sources, such as parents, schools, and friends. As we grow older, […]

Christian Living

What If Sabbath Rest Is Worship?

Discover What to Do on Sunday When it comes to what we do and don’t do on Sunday, there are different interpretations of what’s permissible and what’s not. These range from Sunday being a set apart day to being a day like any other, with the freedom to do whatever we want. Here are some […]

Christian Living

The Valley of Dry Bones

Ezekiel Prophesies to Dry Bones and Breathes Life into Them One of the most evocative images in the book of Ezekiel is him speaking to dry bones scattered before him. It’s a valley of dry bones. The bones animate and reassemble. Tendons connect them. Flesh covers the skeletons. Breath enters these reconstituted bodies, mere corpses, […]

Christian Living

We All Need Christian Community

Seek Faith Connections to Form Spiritual Affinity God lives in community, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is why he created us to be in community, just like him. This means living in relationship with him and living in relationship with others. That’s why we must embraced Christian community. Why We Need Christian Community […]

Christian Living

Embrace a Holistic View of Christianity

We Must Welcome All Who Follow Jesus Most Christians spend time with believers who think like they think, who act like they act, and who share a common perspective. I get this. It makes sense. It’s comfortable. Yet this limits their understanding of God and in living their faith to the fullest. Instead, they need […]

Christian Living

Pride Is Not Something to Celebrate

God Opposes the Proud We hear a lot about pride, as if it’s a good thing. It’s not. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, also known as a capital vice or a cardinal sin. Pride is not something to treat lightly. Traditionally, it’s viewed as one of the seven ways of eternal death. […]