Christian Living

How Can a Man Write about Women in the Bible?

We are One Through Jesus, Neither Male nor Female When God prompted me to write about the women in the Bible, I was excited and began work on it immediately. Much of my life, it seems, had brought me to the place to explore the amazing women found throughout the pages of Scripture. In short, […]

Christian Living

A Kingdom of Priests

God Is Still Waiting for Us to Obey Him and Minister to Others It’s interesting to connect the Old Testament with the New Testament, to see what changes and what remains the same. Let’s look at what God says about his people being a kingdom of priests. A Kingdom of Priests in The Old Testament […]

Christian Living

Ways to Access the Bible

Don’t Take Scripture for Granted Each morning I began my day by reading and meditating on God’s Word. I use a printed copy of Scripture for this. Throughout the day, however, as I write about the Bible, I go online to research and study. I use On Sunday I don’t carry a printed Bible […]

Christian Living

3 Images to Explain God as Trinity

The Great Three in One: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Most Christians comprehend God as Trinity, a singular entity existing as three persons: Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit. This is confusing, but recall that Jesus says, “the Father and me are one” (John 10:30). Another time Jesus tells his disciples to baptize people “in […]

Christian Living

Does Going to Church Make You a Christian?

The World’s Answer Doesn’t Align with the Truth I recently read an article about church attendance that vexed me. It came from a Christian magazine. It addressed going to church. The author claimed to have statistical proof that Christians were turning their backs on their faith. What was the stat that caused him to make […]

Christian Living

Jesus Talked about the Kingdom of God and We Made a Church

What if Jesus Never Intended His Followers to Form a Church as we Know it Today? I looked at where the Bible talks about the kingdom of God and where it talks about church. What I learned is shocking. Jesus teaches about the kingdom of God, not church. These are New Testament Considerations Both the […]

Christian Living

Reduce the Noise in Your Life to Better Hear God

We Must Remove Distractions to Hear What the Holy Spirit Says I recently listened to a talk on the topic of noise. It was the opening message to a sermon series. The teaching provided many thought-provoking ideas to consider. It also supplied me with a springboard to examine my own contemplation about noise—specifically the noise […]

Christian Living

Does Reading the Bible Make You Cry?

Scripture Can Produce Tears of Joy and of Sorrow A minister in Africa passed out Bibles to his people so they could have their own copy and read Scripture in their native tongue. He said that “I see many believers crying and praying as they read the Word.” This report makes my heart soar with […]

Christian Living

What is the Kingdom of God?

Eternal Life Begins Today (Not When We Die) Jesus often talks about the kingdom of God (the kingdom of heaven). He talks about how close the kingdom of God is, saying that it’s near and even that it’s here. How do we understand this immediacy of the kingdom of God in our life today? Is […]

Christian Living

What Does the Word of God Mean?

Discover Four Key Things Scripture Says about the Word of God The phrase “Word of God” appears forty-five times in the Bible, mostly in the New Testament. The book of Acts leads the way with eleven occurrences, followed by Revelation with six. But what does the Word of God mean? 1. The Bible Ask people […]