Christian Living

Immerse Yourself in the Bible

Meditate On God’s Word by Reading a Passage Over and Over I advocate reading the Bible every day. To make the most out of it requires a plan, such as reading through the Bible in the year. I do this often, but sometimes I want to slow down and focus on a specific text. It’s […]

Christian Living

Meditating on God’s Word

Our Actions Are Birthed Through Our Thoughts It’s essential to read the Bible, but beyond that we should also study Scripture. Even more important, however, is meditating on God’s Word. This is because when we meditate on what the Bible says, it changes what we think about, which affects what we do. Read the Bible […]

Christian Living

Live for Today

Celebrate the Past, Anticipate the Future, and Embrace the Present Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). Yet most people only celebrate what he has done or anticipate what he will do. They fail to see what he is doing now. That’s why we must live for today. Yesterday The Bible records […]

Christian Living

Don’t Let Our Labels Divide Us

May We Be One in Jesus and Ignore What Could Separate Us We live in a divisive time, with one group opposing another, often in the most zealous of ways, sometimes even with violent outcomes. As a society, we’re quick to put people in a box and label them according to some aspect of their […]

Christian Living

Are You a Sunday Morning Spectator or Performer?

Church Services Have Become an Event, With Consumers Who Come to Watch a Show Today’s churches contain two types of people. And each of us fits in one category or the other. We are either performers or spectators. If this seems callous, consider that we live in an entertainment-centered society. We watch TV, go to […]

Christian Living

What Is Sanctification?

We Are Sanctified in Jesus and by the Holy Spirit I don’t often use the word sanctification, but I should. It sounds too much like a theological construct that someone made up to explain God. Yet it’s in the Bible. So is sanctify. Therefore, it’s worthwhile for us to understand and embrace its meaning. Let’s […]

Christian Living

Make a U-Turn to Follow Jesus

Discover the Key to Be Saved and Inherit Eternal Life In the Bible, when people seek Jesus to be saved and have eternal life, he gives them different instructions. This is perplexing. Let’s dig into it. The most common direction he gives them is to “follow me” (Luke 5:27). That is, we must follow Jesus. […]

Christian Living

How Do We Worship God?

Discover How to Reframe Worship from a Biblical Perspective What do you think of when you hear the word worship? How do we worship God? What does worshiping our Lord mean? Worship Service Many churches refer to their Sunday morning meeting time as “worship” or “worship service.” This is how they list it on their […]

Christian Living

Do We Need to Obey God?

Doing What the Bible Says Isn’t a Requirement but a Response In the post about how to be saved we realized there’s nothing we need to do (or can do) to earn our salvation; it’s a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). This means we don’t need to first obey God before he accepts us. He […]

Christian Living

Jeremiah Issues 3 Warnings to Misleading Ministers

Beware of Slacking Shepherds, Godless Pastors, and Misleading Ministers The prophet Jeremiah doesn’t just warn the people about judgment for their sins, he also warns their religious leaders too. The twenty-third chapter of the book of Jeremiah details three leadership failures. Most troublesome is the third item about misleading ministers. Everyone in leadership should heed […]