Christian Living

Do You Need to Unplug?

To Hear from God, We Must Be Ready to Listen Advice that’s commonly given to writers is that we need to unplug from time to time to fuel our writing and feed our creativity. When we remove the distractions of our technology is when inspiration strikes. It’s when we solve writing problems and are best […]

Christian Living

The Song of Moses

Psalm 152 from Beyond Psalm 150 Psalm 90 is the oldest chapter in the book of Psalms. Moses wrote it. Though it’s his only entry in the Psalms, Moses penned other songs as well, but we need to search for them. We encounter one in the book of Exodus, we’ll call it the song of […]

Christian Living

What Is God’s Perception of You?

How We See Ourselves May Differ from How Our Heavenly Father Sees Us I was recently reminded that God’s perception of us can be quite different from our own self-perception. The pressures of life overwhelmed a friend. One concern, a second, and then more conspired to weigh her down and steal her joy. She emailed […]

Christian Living

Celebrating Scripture’s Other Psalms

Discover More Psalms in the Bible from Exodus through to Revelation Paul writes to the church in Colossae that they are to teach and admonish one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in their heart to the Lord (Colossians 3:16). He writes a similar sentiment to the church in Ephesus: “Be […]

Christian Living

What Happened to Integrity?

May Our Life Honor God and Be an Example to Others Integrity is largely missing in our world today. It looms as an out-of-date concept. Many even mock it as restrictive, limiting our desire to act however we want. Integrity is an unwavering adherence to moral principles and ethical behavior. It’s being honest. It’s sound […]

Christian Living

Make Disciples Not Converts

We Should Do What Jesus Commands and Push Secondary Pursuits Aside Jesus wants us to be his disciples. Each of the biographies of Jesus mention this. To be his disciple means to set all else aside and follow him (Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, and Luke 14:26–33). As his disciples he expects us to […]

Christian Living

Satan and His Minions

The Devil’s Army Is Not Cute and Cuddly but Dangerous and Deadly Given their depiction in animated movies, many people view minions as adorable little yellow creatures who bungle through life. Their antics—with varying degrees of incompetence—come across as humorous, even endearing. But this is not true in the spiritual realm when it comes to […]

Christian Living

Love God and Love Others: A Call to Christian Unity

Shun Division, Disunity, and Denominations in the Name of Jesus Just as church member status divides the church body into two groups, so does our doctrine. Instead of obeying Jesus’s instruction to love God and love others, we make a lengthy list of what we should do and shouldn’t do. We judge others according to […]

Christian Living

Deliver Us from Evil

Once We Pray This, Our Part Is to Stay Away from It When Jesus’s disciples ask him how to pray, he gives a concise example to follow. One of the phrases in this short prayer is to deliver us from evil. We commonly call this prayer from Jesus the Lord’s Prayer (or the Our Father, […]

Christian Living

Have We Lost the Bible?

The High Priest Found the Book of the Law When They Cleaned the Temple As the priest worked on restoring the temple, he stumbled on the Book of the Law. They had misplaced it. They had lost the Bible. Though their religious practices as prescribed in the Book of the Law continued in some manner, […]