Bible Insights

The Allure of Mystery

The Allure of Mystery There are things about God, Jesus, and salvation that the Bible simply describes as “mystery,” that is, hidden truth or a mystic secret. This drives some people crazy. They want to understand all and be able to fully explain everything. Anything less causes frustration and angst. For me, I relish the realization […]

Bible Insights

Living in the Prophetic

Living in the Prophetic In Paul’s letter to Timothy he talks about a prophecy that he made regarding Timothy. (A prophecy is a God-inspired foretelling of the future.) Often we think of a prophecy as being about some grand, distantly future event—like the end of the world or major catastrophe—but that is not always the […]

Bible Insights

Would You Dare Tell Someone “Imitate Me?”

Discover Why Paul Says This In his letter to the Philippians, Paul tells readers to follow his example and to the Corinthians he writes, “imitate me” (Philippians 3:17 and 1 Corinthians 4:16). This strikes me as bold and audacious, arrogant and presumptuous. This seemingly brash statement, however, is illuminated when he later instructs readers to […]

Bible Insights

Are Grace and Mercy the Same Thing?

Are Grace and Mercy the Same Thing? Are grace and mercy the same thing? That might seem so, since they are both good things that God gives us. However, in some respects they are opposites. Consider these simple definitions: Grace is getting what you don’t deserve. Mercy is not getting what you do deserve. For […]

Bible Insights

How Does Salvation “Work”?

How Does Salvation “Work”? In one Paul’s letters, he says something that is quite curious and strange. He tells readers to “work out your salvation” (Philippians 2:12). Ugh? Didn’t Paul also write that we are saved through faith and not by our “works” (that is, not of our own doing or striving)? (Ephesians 2:8-9). So, […]

Bible Insights

The Armor of God is For Protection

In the Bible, there is the instruction to “put on the full armor of God.” To the casual reader, this might seem like a call to arms or a provocation for military action. Yet I don’t see this as a militant statement, but merely a memory aid to help people remember key items needed to […]

Bible Insights

Is Karma a Biblical Concept?

Karma is a concept found in many eastern religions that essentially says, “What goes around, comes around.” It is a sort of universal law of cause and effect. There is a seemingly karma-like verse in the Bible, which appears to paraphrase this idea. It says, “You reap what you sow.” However, in looking at the […]

Bible Insights

What Good is a Little Bit of Yeast?

I did a word study on the usage of yeast in the Bible. Here is what I found: Yeast is used symbolically to represent influence, usually negatively.  Just as a little bit of yeast, permeates dough and produces a noticeable result, so to does influence, be it good or bad. [Check out where these references […]

Bible Insights

Do You Live by the Law or by Faith?

Do You Live by the Law or by Faith? In what initially seems to be shocking statement, Jesus says that if we want to have eternal life, we must follow the commandments in the Old Testament. [Matthew 19:17] Of course, this is impossible, because if we break even one law, one time, we are found […]

Bible Insights

Raised From the Dead for Physical and Spiritual Life

When Jesus died, many dead people came to life. This is a literal, physical event that Matthew documented. This can also be understood and applied on a figurative or symbolic basis, in that for all who follow Jesus: We came alive when Jesus died. This is a new, spiritual, eternal life. In short, Jesus died […]