Bible Insights

Praying For Our Daily Bread

Jesus Said to Pray For Our Daily Bread When the Israelites left Egypt, they spent 40 years in the desert before proceeding on to the land God had promised them. During this time, God miraculously gave them food each day, which they called manna. All they needed to do was go out in the morning […]

Bible Insights

Their Eyes Were Opened

Open Your Eyes and See In the Bible, Doctor Luke records the interesting account of two disciples forlornly walking down the road after Jesus’ death—and after hearing the incredible report that he is no longer dead. They are confused and dismayed. Things with Jesus didn’t turn out as they expected—or wanted. What did it all […]

Bible Insights

Are You in Debt?

The Debt of Love The Bible says, “Let no debt remain outstanding.” That is sage advice for any time, but especially in these troubled economic conditions. Debt, in general, and bad debt, specifically, has gotten our economy into trouble, threatening to hold us down for the long term. However, that’s not really what this verse […]

Bible Insights

Jesus and the Fig Tree

The One About the Fig Tree Have you ever heard the story about Jesus and the fig tree? Jesus is heading into Jerusalem and is hungry. Seeing a fig tree, he searches its foliage for something to eat. Finding nothing, he seems to get a tad irritated, declaring that it will never again produce fruit. […]

Bible Insights

Living in Harmony with Animals

In “Adam was a Vegetarian,” I referenced Genesis 9:2-3 were God added meat to mankind’s diet. There is another interesting item in that passage. In verse two, God says that from then on, all the animals would be afraid of people. This allows us to infer that prior to that time, the animals were not […]

Bible Insights

Fasting for the Right Reasons

Fasting for the Right Reasons Although many people ignore its practice, fasting is demonstrated in the Bible and is an encouraged practice. (See the blog entry, “When You Fast…“.) However, fasting rightly requires fasting for the right reasons. Here are some of them: Wrong reasons for fasting includes to earn God’s attention or favor, out […]

Bible Insights

Miracles and an Ant Farm

If you accept that God exists and exercises providential care over his creation, it is, therefore, reasonable to expect that from time to time, miracles will occur—either for our own good or for his pleasure. As such, an occasional divine intervention is not an irrational desire, but a reasonable expectation. At the risk of trivializing […]

Bible Insights

Here I Am

Lessons from Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and Jesus A reoccurring statement in the Bible is “Here I am.” This was often said to God when he calls out or speaks to one of his children. Abraham, Jacob, and Moses were all expectantly ready to listen to God.We need to do the same. Later Jesus said, “Here […]

Bible Insights

Is God a Republican or a Democrat?

I have Christian friends who are staunch, conservative Republicans. When they read their Bible, they see God as a conservative Republican. They cannot comprehend how anyone who follows Jesus could be or think like a Democrat. Their views are found and substantiated in the Bible. I have other Christian friends who are staunch, liberal Democrats. When […]

Bible Insights

Do You Want Justice or Mercy?

Do You Want Justice or Mercy? I have a friend who pursues justice; she wants everything to be fair. The bad thing about absolute justice is that it leaves no room for mercy. In many ways, justice and mercy are opposites: In a paradox of Godly proportions, God is both fully just yet full of […]