Bible Insights

What About Daniel and Esther?

The discussion of the text that is not found in all Bibles concludes by addressing the books of Daniel and Esther. In some versions of the Bible, the book of Daniel contains 12 chapters, while in others there are 14. These two chapters are both interesting and insightful. Daniel 13 is the story of upright […]

Bible Insights

There’s More to Discover in the Bible

Check out these books of the Bible, which are not found in all versions, but are in others, such as The Jerusalem Bible: Tobit Tobit is a story of Tobiah who journeys with Raphael to retrieve some money for his father (Tobit). Along the way he is attacked by a fish and gets married; when […]

Bible Insights

In or Out? What Should Be Included and Excluded From the Bible

While the New Testament of the Bible has small phrases or scattered verses that are not found in all of the ancient manuscripts, the Old Testament has a slightly different issue of inclusion or exclusion, which mostly relates to entire books. Here’s the short version of what happened. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. […]

Bible Insights

The Error of the Sadducees

In The Error of the Sadducees and Pharisees, it was noted that the Sadducees’s error was taking away from the Bible, dismissing or ignoring certain sections. Paul notes that the Sadducees did not believe in resurrection, angels, and spirits, even though all are addressed in the Old Testament. In order to challenge or trick Jesus, […]

Bible Insights

The Error of the Pharisees

In The Error of the Sadducees and Pharisees, it was noted that the Pharisees’ mistake was adding to the Bible and then esteeming their additions as more important. Jesus notes that they break God’s commands in order to keep their own, man-made traditions (that is, the religious rules they added to the Bible). He then […]

Bible Insights

The Error of the Sadducees and Pharisees

Two thousand years ago, the Jewish religious scene was comprised of two major factions, the Sadducees and Pharisees. Although their respective theologies about God were quite different, these two camps did coexist—albeit not harmoniously—within the same religion. The reason for their different perspectives of the same God, likely comes from how they treated the Bible. […]

Bible Insights

Seeking God’s Favor

There are several places in the Bible that talk about seeking God’s favor. In reading these sections it becomes clear that when people seek God’s favor, good things result; when they don’t, bad things result. For example, Hezekiah sought God’s favor and disaster was averted, whereas the Jewish people did not seek God’s favor and […]

Bible Insights

God Thinks Highly of Us

Are You Highly Esteemed? Do you ever wonder what God thinks of you? Unfortunately, I suspect that most people who consider such a question reach the wrong conclusion. But what if an angel were to show up and provide a supernatural perspective about you? It’s happened: An angel tells Daniel that he is “highly esteemed.” […]

Bible Insights

God is the Best of the Best

The God who is revealed in the Bible is number one. Consider these explanations of who he is in comparison to all else: Quite simply, God is over all and above all.  He is numero uno.  He is the Best of the best. So what should be our response?

Bible Insights

Did Daniel Need to Ask God to Rescue the People?

Another Thought about Predestination Another curious thing with Daniel’s prayer is that he may not have even needed to make it. After all, God, through Jeremiah, foretold that the nation would be in captivity for 70 years and then return. The seventy years are about up; it is time to go home. God decreed it, […]