Bible Insights

Why We Shouldn’t Be Overrighteous

The book of Ecclesiastes (in the Bible) is an example of wisdom literature, and it makes for an interesting read. At one point the author says, “Do not be overrighteous.” Over-righteous is a curious word. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it before, and I certainly don’t remember seeing it in the Bible. In fact, […]

Bible Insights

Amen in the Bible

Say, “Amen” I recently blogged about the use and meaning of amen. Although its use in modern circles is a bit perplexing—especially from preachers—amen does occur in the Bible. The NIV uses amen fifty-two times. Scriptural Uses of Amen In forty-nine instances, over 90 percent of the time, the Bible uses “Amen” to conclude a […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Help Me, God: Instead Make Me

Help Me versus Make Me As I read the Psalms in the Amplified Bible this week, a curious phrase jumped out. The writer says to God, “Make me understand the way of your precepts.” Notice, he didn’t ask for assistance by saying, “Help me.” He was direct; he implored God to “Make me.” The NIV […]

Bible Insights

The End Is Near…or Maybe Not

Jesus says nobody knows when the world will end. Later on Paul confirms no one knows when Jesus will return (therefore signaling the start of the end). It will happen unexpectedly, like a “thief in the night.” So if the Bible says no one knows, why do some preachers make their audacious predictions anyway? Adding […]

Bible Insights

Have You Run Out of Wine?

A Metaphor of God’s Provision Last weekend, my wife and I attended a wedding. The minister reminded us of when Jesus was at a wedding too. In his first recorded miracle, Jesus doesn’t address a big need, such as healing someone of a life-threatening illness or debilitating condition; he just turns some water into wine. […]

Bible Insights

What Does it Mean to Greet One Another With a Holy Kiss?

Many churches have a time of greeting at some point in their service. This can range from awkward to inviting. At some of these churches people merely shake hands and mumble a rote greeting. Folks at other congregations actually make eye contact and smile as they greet one another. And at a few places, a […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Worry About What You Don’t Know

There’s much about God we don’t know. For a society that craves knowledge and desires to fully understand things, what we don’t know about God can cause frustration. This keeps many people from embracing God. They want all their questions answered before they say “Yes” to Jesus and follow him. But that’s not faith. That’s […]

Bible Insights

One Mistake is One Too Many

Last week we talked about Moses’ mistake of hitting the rock instead of speaking to it. He did this in disobedience to what God told him to do. The Bible calls this sin. As a result of Moses’ mistake, that is his sin, he was only permitted to see the land God promised to give […]

Bible Insights

Listen Carefully to What God Says

For four decades Moses led the people as they wandered in the dessert. Once when they were thirsty, God told Moses to hit a certain rock with his walking stick. He did and water gushed out. Later on, the people again clamored for water. This time God told Moses to speak to a rock, but […]

Bible Insights

Is God a God of Wrath or Love?

Reading through the book of Judges, a cycle quickly emerges: the people turn away from God, he sends a leader to rescue them, and then they return to him. This pattern continues, albeit to a lesser extent, in the books of Kings and Chronicles. With endless patience, God offers them second chances. This abruptly changes […]