Bible Insights

Don’t Be a Baby Christian

Learn How to Eat Spiritual Food and Feed Yourself The author of Hebrews (who I suspect was Paul) warns the young church, the followers of Jesus, that they need to grow up. Though many of them should be mature enough to teach others, they still haven’t grasped the basics themselves. They persist in drinking spiritual […]

Bible Insights

Longing for God

May Our Soul Pant for God with the Same Urgency as a Deer Panting for Water King David penned Psalm 41. He opens with a powerful image of a deer panting for water. It illustrates David longing for God. David concludes his song by confirming he will praise God. Sandwiched between the opening and ending […]

Bible Insights

Do You Know You Are a Priest?

As Followers of Jesus We Become His Priests. It’s Time to Start Acting Like It Aside from sharing my first name, I like Peter in the Bible. His concise writing packs a lot of practical teaching into his two short letters. He writes to those who follow Jesus. He talks about us being priests. Peter […]

Bible Insights

The Bible Offers Us Hope for the Future

Because of God We Can Anticipate a Better Tomorrow There are many reasons why I love the Bible, in fact I list thirteen. One of those reasons is hope. The Bible is filled with hope. It’s mentioned 180 times in both the Old and New Testaments. Hope in the Old Testament The word hope appears […]

Bible Insights

God as our Father

A Word Picture of What a Good Dad Is Like The sixth word picture is God as our father and we as his children. Although not everyone had a good biological father—in fact all human fathers make mistakes in raising their children—our spiritual father, God, is without fault, raising us out of perfect love and […]

Bible Insights

The Power of David’s Example

David Models Bold Action and His Nephew Learns from It Most people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath in the Bible. It tells of the young boy David, armed only with godly confidence and a sling, killing the warrior giant of a man Goliath. David’s example an inspiring tale of courage and […]

Bible Insights

The Bible’s Most Questionable Judge

An Unnamed Levite Goes Wild If Judge Deborah is the reluctant hero and Micah is the anti-hero, then the final character listed in the book of Judges might be viewed as a questionable hero. This judge, a Levite whose name is not given, has a dubious set of morals and a morose method of getting […]

Bible Insights

Discover How to Treat One Another

Consider How the Bible Teaches Us to Treat One Another The Bible gives us many “one another” commands that instruct us how to treat one another. Things to Do Love one another (John 13:34, John 13:35, Romans 13:8, 1 Peter 1:22, 1 John 3:11, 1 John 3:23, 1 John 4:7, 1 John 4:11, 1 John […]

Bible Insights

What Matters Most?

May Our Actions Show Our Righteousness We discussed the faith of Abraham demonstrated through his willingness to act. This is understandable; we uphold Abraham as a great example of faith. Yet after James talks about Abraham’s great faith in action (James 2:25), he immediately adds Rahab as another example. Rahab, you may recall, was a […]

Bible Insights

Give Generously and Not Begrudgingly

We Must Take Care of the Poor Among Us As we read through the law of Moses in the book of Deuteronomy, we come across a command that says that we are to “give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart” (Deuteronomy 15:10). We might have the inclination to dismiss this command […]