Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Abigail

A Wise Woman Abigail is an intelligent and beautiful woman. In contrast, her husband, Nabal, is surly and mean; his servants call him wicked and she confirms his name means fool. Nabal is wealthy, with thousands of livestock. David and his men protect Nabel’s herdsmen and flocks, anticipating he will appreciate their efforts and one […]

Bible Insights

Receive God’s Mercy

Don’t Hold on to Guilt Over What God Has Already Forgiven From the life of Jacob, we learn a lesson in how to receive God’s mercy. After Jacob dies, Joseph’s brothers come to him. They’re worried he’ll hold a grudge against them for what they did to him when he was a teenager. At that […]

Bible Insights

Biblical People: Zerah (3)

The Younger Twin Brother of Perez Zerah is the younger twin brother of Perez. They are sons of Judah and Tamar (1). When Tamar is in labor, the hand of one of her babies emerges. The midwife ties a scarlet thread around his wrist. Then the hand withdraws. The baby who is born first, however, […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: The Mother of Jabez

Though an entire book was written about his prayer (The Prayer of Jabez), we actually know little about Jabez. The Bible only mentions him in two obscure verses, buried among a lengthy genealogy. We know even less about the mother of Jabez, not even her name. We do know his birth is difficult, and the […]

Bible Insights

Jacob’s Twelve Sons

…and Their Four Moms In Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, a reoccurring theme is Jacob’s twelve sons. What is not apparent in Dreamcoat is that many of the sons were half brothers; Jacob was indeed the father of all, but there were four different moms. Here is how this convoluted family tree happened: Jacob fell […]

Bible Insights

The Number Seven in the Bible

A Sign of Completeness and Power We’ve talked about the number three in Scripture. Now let’s look at the number seven in the Bible. We see the number seven pop up early in Scripture, during the creation account. On each of the first five days, God sees what he did and pronounces it as “good.” […]

Bible Insights

Biblical People: Perez

After Tamar (1) tricks Judah into impregnating her, she gives birth to twins. They are Perez and Zerah. The name Perez means “breaking out,” because he broke out of the womb first before his twin brother. Though we know nothing more about Perez and what he did, future generations esteem him. Several generations later, one […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Eve

Eve (along with her husband, Adam), is a well-known biblical figure. I’m surprised she’s only mentioned by name four times in the Bible, twice in Genesis and twice in the New Testament. I’ve never understood why Eve bears the heaviest criticism for disobeying God. Adam is likewise culpable, and he could have—and should have—put a […]

Bible Insights

God’s Awe-Inspiring Creation

Does the Eagle Soar at Your Command and Build Its Nest on High? We get a glimpse of God’s awe-inspiring creation in the concluding chapters of the book of Job. Here’s what happens: As the storm’s intensity increases, Job’s four friends cast wary glances at each other, interspersed with worried peeks at the raging weather. […]

Bible Insights

Biblical People: Shelah (3)

God has killed Shelah’s older brothers, Er and Onan, for their extreme wickedness. The custom of the people is that Er’s widow, Tamar (1), should be passed to the third brother so he can produce offspring through her for his dead brother. But Shelah isn’t old enough. So Judah sends Tamar home to live with […]