Love Is Patient:
40 Devotional Gems and Biblical Truths from Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians
Like many churches today, the Corinthian church had issues. Lots of them.
What can we learn from this young spiritual community to strengthen our faith and more fully follow Jesus?
Paul sent his two longest letters to this fledgling congregation in Corinth. Though written for them 2,000 years ago, his words provide a profound message that still applies to us now, if only we’re willing to explore it.
Through this devotional Bible study, we’ll examine Paul’s guidance to this struggling church. In this insightful exploration of 1 and 2 Corinthians, we’ll discern how his training to them two millennia ago can best guide us today.
In Love Is Patient, lifetime student of the Bible and founder of the ABibleADay website, Peter DeHaan, PhD, explores Paul’s impassioned instructions to his beloved flock so that they can reach their full potential.
In Love Is Patient we’ll explore Paul’s vital teaching to discover:
- What true love really is
- Why Paul has the audacity to say follow him (instead of Jesus)
- The realities of baby Christians and the need to feed ourselves
- Essential lessons about spiritual gifts and meeting together
- What it means to not be yoked with unbelievers
Also gain fresh insight into Paul’s thorn in the flesh, greeting one another with a holy kiss, and guarding against those who peddle God for profit.
Love Is Patient will inspire you to apply biblical truth to your daily life, move ideas into action, and mature in your Christian walk.
Get your copy of Love Is Patient and watch your relationship with Jesus grow.