Bible Insights

The Power of David’s Example

David Models Bold Action and His Nephew Learns from It Most people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath in the Bible. It tells of the young boy David, armed only with godly confidence and a sling, killing the warrior giant of a man Goliath. David’s example an inspiring tale of courage and […]

Christian Living

Take Every Thought Captive

Discover How to Control Your Thoughts Our brain is our most powerful organ, which makes our mind a significant part of us. That’s how God created us. With our mind we can accomplish much, but through it is also the potential to lead us into wrong thinking, guide us into sin, and take us away […]

Visiting Churches

Looking toward Churches 45 through 53

Our visiting churches journey is winding down. Consider these two discussion questions as we move into the final phase of our adventure:  1. Visiting churches has been insightful, but our exploration has worn on us too. We carry both attitudes. Similarly, each person at your church comes with baggage and something they want to achieve […]

Christian Living

Who Says We Should Give 10 Percent to the Local Church?

Fundamentalist preachers twist what the Bible says and misapply it for their own benefit I was taught to give 10 percent of my money to church. I’ve heard many evangelical preachers assert that their followers had to give 10 percent to the local church. It was a tithe, an obligation. You could, of course, give […]

Bible Insights

The Bible’s Most Questionable Judge

An Unnamed Levite Goes Wild If Judge Deborah is the reluctant hero and Micah is the anti-hero, then the final character listed in the book of Judges might be viewed as a questionable hero. This judge, a Levite whose name is not given, has a dubious set of morals and a morose method of getting […]

Christian Living

Be Careful What You Say

Control Your Tongue and Watch Your Words There’s a saying of disputed authorship, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” As such, we need to be careful what we say. The Bible has much to share about our words and our tongue. Tame the Tongue James […]

Visiting Churches

Key Questions from Churches 27 through 44

As we wind up this phase of our journey, our experiences are starting to blur. Yes, I still notice kindnesses offered and innovations presented, but I worry I’m now more apt to notice the negative. I pray against that. Consider these two discussion questions about the third leg of our journey:  1. I’ve noted the […]

Christian Living

Be Careful If You Tithe

Discover What the Bible Says about Tithing We’ve talked about tithing, giving 10 percent of our income to God. If we do it as a way to honor him or draw closer to him, then tithing with this attitude is a great idea and an example of a spiritual discipline. However if you tithe because […]

Peter DeHaan News

New Book: That You May Know

A 40-Day Devotional Exploring the Life of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke Do you want to experience Jesus in an extraordinary way? Immerse yourself in a forty-day devotional Bible study on the Gospel of Luke that will give you a life-changing perspective of Jesus. As an eyewitness to Christ, Luke’s biography of Jesus is […]

Visiting Churches

A Familiar Place

We attended this church years ago. This won’t be a visit as much as a reunion. It’s a familiar place. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #44:  1. The building is twenty-five years old and well-maintained. Too many church buildings show neglect, repelling people instead of inviting them.  What are some low-cost ways you […]