Bible Insights

The Bible Offers Us Hope for the Future

Because of God We Can Anticipate a Better Tomorrow There are many reasons why I love the Bible, in fact I list thirteen. One of those reasons is hope. The Bible is filled with hope. It’s mentioned 180 times in both the Old and New Testaments. Hope in the Old Testament The word hope appears […]

Christian Living

Let’s Reclaim Easter Before It Loses All Meaning

Remember to Celebrate Jesus this Easter According to those who track public thought and opinion, the majority of people don’t realize that Easter is a religious holiday—or at least a holiday with a religious origin. Given this, we must reclaim Easter for what it means. The commercialization of Easter is strange. To start, we have […]

Christian Living

Which is More Important, Good Friday or Easter?

Should Christians Focus on Worshiping Jesus Who Suffered or Jesus Who Rose from the Dead? As we moved through Lent to approach Holy Week we anticipate four significant days: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter (which some call Resurrection Sunday). The last two, Good Friday and Easter, stand as momentous occasions for all […]

Visiting Churches

Church Discipline

The sprawling facility provides an impressive view from a distance. Their larger, new building suggests a thriving, dynamic community. But our experience there does not align this this, but the teaching about church discipline really connects with me. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #46:  1. Yet no one responds to Candy’s phone messages […]

Christian Living

What Happened to the Emergent Church?

The Emergent Church Seeks to be Biblically Relevant for Postmodern People Ten to fifteen years ago, it seemed that every time I turned around I heard something about the emergent church. I wrote about this in my dissertation, with one long chapter devoted to the topic. My thoughts on the emergent church were greatly influenced […]

Bible Insights

God as our Father

A Word Picture of What a Good Dad Is Like The sixth word picture is God as our father and we as his children. Although not everyone had a good biological father—in fact all human fathers make mistakes in raising their children—our spiritual father, God, is without fault, raising us out of perfect love and […]

Christian Living

Thoughts We Should Avoid

We Must Take Care What We Put in Our Minds for They Drive Our Attitudes and Actions We talked about why we need to be careful with what we say. Then we shared some biblical tips to guard our thoughts, since what we think about often flows out of our mouth. Let’s consider some thoughts […]

Peter DeHaan News

New Book: Tongues of Fire

40 Devotional Insights for Today’s Church from the Book of Acts Discover how the Spirit of God moved through the early church, empowering Christians to have a personal, vibrant relationship with Jesus. The book of Acts was a thrilling time for the early church. Now you can capture the excitement and passion of the first-century […]

Visiting Churches

Two Services: Another Doubleheader

Experiencing a Traditional Service and a Contemporary One Today we’ll enjoy two services, another doubleheader: a traditional service followed by a contemporary one. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #45:  1. As we wander inside, several people acknowledge our presence, thanking us for visiting. But beyond that no one says anything more, so we […]

Christian Living

What Is a Micro Church?

Bigger Isn’t Always Better and the Micro Church Proves This In another post we discussed the emergent church. Today we shift the discussion to micro church. Emergent church and micro church, are these alternate labels for the same thing or different? The answer is maybe. The concept of a micro church can go by different […]