Christian Living

How Important Is Seminary for Today’s Church Leaders?

Knowing Jesus and Hearing the Holy Spirit Is Better Than Formal Education Most all churches expect their clergy to have undergone formal, academic education. Many insist on a seminary degree, especially for their ordained ministers. From a worldly standpoint this makes sense. But from God’s perspective I can imagine him laughing. Look at the credentials […]

Bible Insights

3 Unusual Examples of God’s Healing Power

God Uses His People to Heal the Hurting Elisha dies, but his influence lives on. Yes, Elisha continues to teach us today, thousands of years after his death, through the words recorded about him in the Bible. However, he also has a practical effect on someone postmortem. It’s one example of God’s amazing healing power […]

Bible Study

John Bible Study, Day 23: Washing Feet

Today’s passage: John 13:1–17 Focus verse: “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:15) John shares the story of when Jesus washes the disciples’ feet. This perplexing account confuses many people and often leaves us wondering how to react. Before we explore this, let’s pull […]

Christian Living

Are You Christ Curious?

Learn More about Jesus and What His Life Means Some people view Jesus as a great historical figure, an insightful teacher, or a guru who taught and exemplified the importance of loving others. They’re intrigued by him and want to learn more. They are Christ curious. Other people go all in for Jesus. They follow […]

Visiting Churches

Considering a Visit to a Mormon Church: Church #73

Next on my mental list of churches to visit sits a contentious consideration. I refer to Mormon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS for short). I read that most Mormons consider themselves Christians, whereas most non-Mormon Christians don’t, viewing them as a sect or even a cult. Vitriol emerges. I suspect this […]

Christian Living

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Jesus Focused on the Kingdom of God, Not Church Jesus talked about the kingdom of God, but we made a church instead. What if he never intended us to form a church? After all, Jesus did tell his followers to “seek first the kingdom of God,” (Matthew 6:33, ESV). Let’s look at where else the […]

Bible Insights

Seek Wise Counsel and Then Follow It

Choose Advisors with Care When king Solomon dies, his son Rehoboam assumes the throne over all of Israel, following his father, Solomon, and grandfather David. A delegation comes to him and asks him to lighten their load, to decrease the burden placed on them by his father. Rehoboam doesn’t answer them right away. Instead, he […]

Bible Study

John Bible Study, Day 22: Faith or Fear?

Today’s passage: John 12:37–50 Focus verse: Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue. (John 12:42) After John writes that many people believe in Jesus because he raised […]

Christian Living

Confusing Words That Mean Different Things to Different People

We Must Be Careful with the Words We Use We must exercise caution with using these confusing words. These terms are more likely to cause confusion than clarity. Consider the word cleave. It can mean to split apart or to come together. If a couple decides to cleave, what does that mean? Are they breaking […]

Peter DeHaan News

Shopping for Church Audiobook

New Format Now Available The audiobook for Shopping for Church is now available. In addition to audio, it’s also available in e-book, paperback, and hardcover formats. The audiobook is auto-narrated by Maxwell. Shopping for Church is an entertaining, poignant memoir for Christians and spiritual seekers to give fresh insight into the state of today’s churches […]