Bible Insights

How Do We React to the Glory of the Lord?

We Should Fall on Our Faces in the Presence of God’s Glory A man brings Ezekiel to the temple. The glory of the Lord fills the place. Overwhelmed, Ezekiel falls facedown, worshiping the Almighty. How often do we encounter the glory of the Lord? How often do we fall facedown in reverent worship of our […]

Bible Study

John Bible Study, Day 33: Three Strikes

Today’s passage: John 18:1–27 Focus verse: Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow. (John 18:27) Peter has pledged he would die to protect his teacher (John 13:37). I’m sure he meant what he said—at the time. When we’re at our best, I suspect we might say the same thing. […]

Christian Living

Christian Idolatry

We Are Made in God’s Image, Not the Other Way Around An idol is anything that becomes more important than God. The Old Testament of the Bible talks a lot about God’s displeasure with his people worshipping idols, that is, false God’s. Today our idols may be things like money, career, possessions, and status. Even […]

Visiting Churches

How to Go to Church

3 Tips to Have a Positive Experience When going to church—whether as a visitor or a regular attendee—there are three keys to having a successful, meaningful, and spirit-filled experience. These are attitude, prayer, and expectation.  Without addressing these critical elements, many church services will fall short of expectations. Following these three essential steps, however, can […]

Bible Insights

An Interactive Liturgy

Psalm 156 from Beyond Psalm 150 With the people poised to take the promised land, Moses recaps their forty-year history in the desert and reviews the instructions God gave them. At one point Moses leads the people in a liturgy of blessings (for obedience) and curses (for disobedience). In this the Levites make a statement […]

Bible Insights

The Tale of Two Sisters

An Old Testament Parable Warning about the Perils of Prostitution and Idolatry Ezekiel shares a story about two sisters. It’s an Old Testament parable. And it comes directly from God. The older sister is Oholah, and the younger sister is Oholibah. Oholah is Samaria, the capital of Israel and represents the ten northern tribes. The […]

Bible Study

John Bible Study, Day 32: Jesus Prays for Us

Today’s passage: John 17:20–26 Focus verse: “I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.” (John 17:23) Jesus’s last prayer has three sections. First, he prays for his mission, its successful completion, and giving God glory. Next, he moves on to pray for his disciples, that they will persevere, […]

Christian Living

What Are Your Sunday Practices?

Keep the Sabbath Holy and Don’t Do Any Work In my post God Rested, I talked about the Old Testament command to keep the Sabbath holy and not do any work (Exodus 20:8-11). Yet Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law, so it doesn’t apply anymore (Matthew 5:17). However, God rested on the seventh day of […]

Visiting Churches

Discussion Questions on How to Be an Engaging Church

The experiences I share in this book are my experiences. Others may have different observations. I’m an introvert, as is a slight majority of people. Even so, I doubt my reactions are unique to me or even to other introverts.  Consider these fifthteen discussion questions about How to Be an Engaging Church. 1. Whether introvert […]

Bible Insights

A Song of Victory

Psalm 155: from Beyond Psalm 150 As God’s people travel through the desert and prepare to take the promised land, they come to the border of the Amorites. They ask King Sihon for permission to travel through the country, promising to stay on the main thoroughfare and not take any of the Amorites’ food or […]