Christian Living

Women in Ministry

Consider the Role of Women in Today’s Church I’m a proponent of women in ministry. In this regard, I’m a feminist—at least from a historical perspective and as the dictionary defines feminism. I’ve even posited that Jesus may have been the first feminist. I’m also aware that not everyone agrees that women can be in […]

Peter DeHaan News

Matthew Bible Study Audiobook

New Format Now Available The audiobook for Matthew Bible Study is now available. In addition to audiobook, it is also available in ebook, paperback, and hardcover. The audiobook is AI narrated by Maxwell. In Matthew Bible Study dive into the life and teachings of Jesus like never before. Embark on a transformative journey through the […]

Bible Insights

Biblical People: Potiphar

Potiphar Reacts to His Wife’s Accusations Through a series of events outside his control, Joseph has become a slave owned by Potiphar. Potiphar is one of Pharaoh’s officials and captain of the guard. God’s favor is on Joseph in Potiphar’s household, and he proves himself to the captain. Potiphar eventually puts his entire estate under […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: The Virgin Mary

Mary Receives Shocking News An angel visits Mary, a teenage girl engaged to be married. The angel celebrates her as one highly favored by God. Perplexed, she wonders about the angel’s shocking greeting. Then he further stuns her by saying she will become pregnant, and her child will save her people. “How,” Mary asks? “I’m […]

Bible Insights

Do You Hear the Voice of God?

Listening for God’s Direction Some people tell me they’ve never heard God speak to them. Of those, I suspect many actually do hear him, but they don’t realize it. Can you hear the voice of God? For others, they need to train themselves to listen. And there may be a few people with something blocking […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 24

The Blood of the Lamb Today’s passage: Revelation 12 Focus verse: They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. (Revelation 12:11) The phrase “the blood of the Lamb” only appears in the book of Revelation and then just twice. We referred to the first occurrence in “17: […]

Christian Living

Embracing Liturgical Services

May Our Sunday Morning Practices Point Us to God I’ve been hearing of people opting for traditional churches with more formal, liturgical services. They desire to move away from the seeker sensitive services they grew up with. They don’t want to go to a performance every Sunday. They want to worship God in a reserved, […]

Peter DeHaan News

New Release: Matthew Bible Study

Discover the Life and Teachings of Jesus Dive into the life and teachings of Jesus like never before with Matthew Bible Study. Join author and life-time student of the Bible Peter DeHaan as he guides you through the Gospel of Matthew, a bridge connecting Old Testament Judaism with New Testament Christianity. Discover the deep correlation […]

Bible Insights

Biblical People: Potiphar’s Wife

A Story of Immorality Joseph is an attractive man. Potiphar’s wife notices. She pursues Joseph. We don’t know her motivation. Does her husband ignore her? Is she bored? Perhaps she’s merely promiscuous. Yet her reasons don’t matter. She tries to seduce Joseph. Joseph resists. He explains why he won’t sleep with her, but she ignores […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Abigail

A Wise Woman Abigail is an intelligent and beautiful woman. In contrast, her husband, Nabal, is surly and mean; his servants call him wicked and she confirms his name means fool. Nabal is wealthy, with thousands of livestock. David and his men protect Nabel’s herdsmen and flocks, anticipating he will appreciate their efforts and one […]