Bible Study

1 John Bible Study, Day 30: No Idols

Today’s passage: 1 John 5:21 Focus verse: Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:21) After John writes a fitting conclusion to his letter in 1 John 5:18–20, he tacks on one more verse. He simply tells his audience to keep themselves from idols. I imagine John finishing his letter and then reading it. He gets to […]

Christian Living

What is Pentecost and Why is it Important?

Christmas and Easter Focus on Jesus, Preparing for Pentecost to Complete His Work and Reveal the Holy Spirit Though it’s been co-opted by secular society, Christmas remains as the most popular Christian holiday, celebrating the birth of Jesus. Next in notoriety stand the tandem of Good Friday, remembering the execution of Jesus, and Easter, celebrating […]

Peter DeHaan News

Get Early Access to More Old Testament Sinners and Saints

Discover 100 More Intriguing Bible Characters Peter DeHaan’s next book, More Old Testament Sinners and Saints, has a worldwide release scheduled for June 19, 2024. It is now available for preorder from most sellers. Early access of the ebook version, however, is available now only from his online store. More Old Testament Sinners and Saints […]

Visiting Churches

Visiting a Church Once is Not Enough

Return Every Sunday for a Month to Get a More Comprehensive Understanding The goal of 52 Churches was to visit a different Christian church every Sunday for a year. As people learned about our journey, they became universally excited. Many wished they could go on their own church visiting sojourn. Some followed my blog posts […]

Bible Insights

Replacing Judas

Going Back to Twelve Disciples Today’s passage: Acts 1:15–20 Focus verse: “Scripture had to be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit spoke long ago through David concerning Judas, who served as guide for those who arrested Jesus.” (Acts 1:16) Besides praying, the disciples also do something else as they wait for the Holy Spirit. Peter […]

Christian Living

Don’t Build in Vain

Let God Built and Protect All That We Do There are fifteen songs of ascent in the Bible. Five of them are in today’s reading. Four of the fifteen are ascribed to David and one to Solomon; the rest are anonymous. Most of them are quite short. We understand the people would sing these songs […]

Bible Study

1 John Bible Study, Day 29: The True God

Today’s passage: 1 John 5:18–20 Focus verse: He is the true God and eternal life. (1 John 5:20) Today’s trio of verses each begins with the same phrasing: We know that. What follows them are seven concepts John wants to remind his audience about. He has covered them throughout his letter and reinforces these key points now. […]

Christian Living

How to Find a Mentor

Mentoring Can Help Us Grow in Our Faith and Increase Our Impact People sometimes ask me to mentor them. I’m honored that they ask. I want to say yes. Instead, I decline as respectfully as I can. Why? It’s because God hasn’t called me to be a mentor—at least not in the traditional sense. He’s […]

Visiting Churches

52 Churches Conclusion

The Journey Is Over, but the Insights Have Just Begun As we told people about our journey of visiting fifty-two churches in a year, everyone was intrigued. They wanted to hear more and expressed great interest in the book. A few were envious, wishing they could do the same, but most admitted they could never […]

Christian Living

Is Ascension Day the Fifth Christian Holy Day?

Celebrate Jesus’s Return to Heaven, Which Prepares the Way for Pentecost In my post The Four Main Christian Celebrations, I list for holy days (holidays) that smartly recognize Jesus and succinctly outline the key elements of his life and what he did for us. These Christian holidays are: I wonder if I should add Ascension […]